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God's protection removed foretold

God's protection removed foretold

By Pastor Steve Mashburn

September 11, 2001

SEE THE BIBLE READING SCHEDULE FOR TODAY! This schedule to read through our Bibles together in a year was published over 2 years ago! Does God make mistakes? The passage for today can be viewed by clicking on the Bible link here on your left, then September 11. Who could know the relevance of the passage (quoted below) to America this day but He who is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and Omega.

On this day in 1834, a letter from Andrew Jackson was on its way to Andrew Jr. In it, the 7th President said: "I mightily offer up my prayers to the throne of grace for the health and safety of you all, and that we ought all to rely with confidence on the promises of our dear Redeemer, and give Him our hearts, this is all He requires and all that we can do, and if we sincerely do this, we are sure of salvation through His atonement."

That was then. Our nation's leaders readily acknowledged the Lord Jesus Christ as our Redeemer and source of our liberties; and the protector of our nation.

The slow news day turned into a day of awakening for America. But have really awakened to the truth? This morning an act of terrorism and war struck America. The World Trade Center is no more as the two airliners crashed into the 110 story twin towers, one of them on national TV. The nation that fell asleep and forgot their Lord and Rock, Jesus Christ finally joined the global village they seek. The Pentagon is still on fire after an airliner crashed into it.

The nation is at the highest military alert since Pearl Harbor. New York City is like a city under siege. There is no traffic at all in downtown Manhattan. Even the cabs have stopped running. For the first time in our nation's history, all the nation's air traffic has been grounded. National cable news networks beamed the collapse of the Trade Center towers an hour after the planes hit live to an international audience. If you've seen the movie, "The Siege," you've got a glimpse of what New York and DC look like. Say hello to Martial Law.

The only surprise I have about this abortion of so many Americans today in this bombing is why it hasn't occurred sooner. I am so thankful that I know Jesus Christ as Lord! In Him I have peace that passes all understanding despite any trial I must endure. The promises in Psalm 91 and many other passages of Scripture went through my mind today. Sadly, many Americans, even some who attend churches do not have this peace.

"Those who go to God Most High for safety will be protected by the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, `You are my place of safety and protection. You are my God and I trust You.' God will save you from hidden traps and from deadly diseases. He will cover you with his feathers, and under His wings you can hide. His truth will be your shield and protection. You will not fear any danger by night or an arrow during the day. You will not be afraid of diseases that come in the dark or sickness that strikes at noon. At your side one thousand people may die, or even ten thousand right beside you, but you will not be hurt. You will only watch and see the wicked punished." (Psalm 91:1-8)

I'm not saying all those who died today are wicked - but our nation is certainly wicked and deserving of God's judgment. The 44 million baby boys and girls (and counting) murdered in the womb testify to this fact. I am saying that fear and terror has gripped many hearts in America. Heaven's Gates & Hell's Flames has been presented since Sunday in Wichita at Central Christian Church. Tonight is the last night and it's at 7 PM. Tonight would be a good night to take unsaved friends, loved ones or acquaintances. Admission is free! Central Christian is located at 29th and Rock Rd.

America as a nation has been living as if God did not exist - that is that He does not see our sin. The prophet Isaiah warned the nation of Israel against living as America is living today. God's response then:

"He removed the protection of Judah. You looked in that day to the armor of the House of the Forest; you also saw the damage to the city of David, that it was great; and you gathered together the waters of the lower pool. You numbered the houses of Jerusalem, and the houses you broke down to fortify the wall. You also made a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old pool. But you did not look to its Maker, nor did you have respect for Him who fashioned it long ago. And in that day the Lord God of hosts called for weeping and for mourning, for baldness and for girding with sackcloth. But instead, joy and gladness, slaying oxen and killing sheep, eating meat and drinking wine: `Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.'" (Isaiah 22:8-13)

Today we witnessed the reality that God is the same today as He was then and will be forever. A holy and just God who bestows mercy on the humble but will not leave those nations guilty of shedding innocent blood unpunished. (See the official Press Release from Operation Save America on this web site, "America - This is your third and final warning!".) God is withdrawing His protection from America over the shedding of innocent blood. Like Judah, this was not done without many warnings sent us first by the hand of prophets of God commanding us to repent.

As Oklahoma City was used, I predict this will lead to what's left of our freedoms will be taken from us. The bills will say "foreign terrorists" but we the people will suffer. Let us return to our Rock with our whole heart.