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A short commentary by Flip concerning the battle for the lives of unborn children in America. It was written in response to a CNSNEWS.com article (cited previously here), 'Who Determines the Official Definition of 'Pro-life?'

Steve Lefemine and Judy Brown are hitting the nail on the head. There can be no compromise, no "reaching across the aisle," no "middle ground" in the abortion battle. Abortion is a Gospel issue and neither side will tolerate the other. Yes, it is a physical manifestation of the battle between two seeds - the "seed of the serpent" verses the "seed of the woman." Genesis 3:15

It is a battle over "Who is Lord and, whose laws reign." Is it, "my rights, my body, my choice, don't judge me," or is it "Not my will, but Thine be done?" When one chooses sides in this battle, he is really choosing between God and the devil - between life and death!

The battle has been raging throughout the pages of the Bible and the pages of history since the beginning of time. The "seed of the serpent" is in absolute rebellion against Almighty God and His Law. The "seed of the woman" is in agreement with Almighty God and His Law. Every person on this earth must choose to be on one side or the other, there is no "in between."

What one perceives the battle to be will determine how he fights it!

  1. If you believe that abortion is primarily an educational issue then you will do all that you can to educate people and help them realize that life begins at conception. The only problem is that many in our nation already know that, but they believe that a mother's right to choose trumps the life of her child. It isn't about education!
  2. If you believe that abortion is a political issue then you will spend most of your time attempting to elect Republicans and legislate abortion off the books. The only problem is that "politics" is the art of compromise and, to be successful, you will find yourself compromising God's Word to get God's work done. This is never a good idea! It isn't about politics!
  3. If you believe abortion is an economic issue then you will do all that you can to help those seeking an abortion to find financial help and see their baby to term and beyond. The only problem is that most mothers seeking abortion just want to get it over with quickly and get on with their lives. It isn't about finances!
  4. If you believe abortion is a compassion issue then you will do all that you can to set up crisis pregnancy centers to assist those seeking abortion to choose life. The only problem is that over 75% of the patients seen in crisis pregnancy centers are not abortion bound. Those seeking abortions don't go to crisis pregnancy centers. It isn't about compassion!
  5. If, however, you believe abortion to be a Gospel issue then you will do all in your power to call the Church of Jesus Christ into the streets to stand in the gap on behalf of the unborn. If it is a battle between the "seed of the serpent" and the "seed of the woman" then we know that it can only be won as gentle Christian warriors take this battle to the gates of hell.

The only problem is that we Christians would have to admit that we have been wrong for the past 30 years in how we have fought abortion. We would have to confess that we have been more a part of the problem than the solution. We have lost sight of what the battle really is and how it must be won.

We have fought the battle on every venue (educational, political, financial, compassion, etc.) but this one. We have done our best at educating America about the sanctity of life. We have done our best in the political realm to elect Republican mercenaries to fight our battles for us. We have done our best to financially help mothers in crisis pregnancies. We have done our best to set up crisis pregnancy centers to care for mothers. But we have not struck at the root of the problem.

The Republican Party never has and never will stand strong for the unborn! It is concerned with attaining and remaining in office, not Biblical principle. It is a false hope that promises much, but accomplishes little. Remember, Conservatism is pretend salt!

The "seed of the serpent" is at war with "the seed of the woman." This is the battle! Abortion is one of the horrible physical manifestations of this ongoing battle. The devil is robbing, killing, and destroying God's heritage (children, Ps 127) while we sit by trying to educate, negotiate with, buy off, or be compassionate with God's sworn enemy. We have done everything but fight the devil and his lies with the Word of God.

The only entity ordained by God to crush the head of this serpent is the Church of Jesus Christ. It is time that we lived up to our high calling. Theology must become biography in the streets. The gates of hell cannot prevail. Abortion will come to an end in America when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind it will come to an end - not one second sooner!
