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Pat Robertson Fails Preborn Children and His Lord

April 24, 2001

Pat Robertson Fails Preborn Children and His Lord

By: Flip Benham

In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Monday, April 16, Pat Robertson said, that the leaders in China who are forcing women to have abortions are "doing what they have to do." He went on to say that the United States should not interfere with China's policy. "I don't agree with it, but at the same time, they've got 1.2 billion people and they don't know what to do. If every family over there was allowed to have three or four children, the population would be completely unstable."

I called his personal secretary on Tuesday morning to see if this could possibly be true and she sent me a quick clarification of what Pat had actually said. Pat apologized for any misunderstanding of his unrehearsed comments on Wolf Blitzer Reports and went on to say, "The Chinese Government has by law restricted birth rate to one child per family. Given their situation, intelligent family planning reflects an obvious necessity; however, I am unalterably opposed to the policy which would result in forced abortions or sex selection."

My heart sank as I read the words of his interview with Blitzer. It sank even further as I read his clarification. Finally, in an interview with Paula Zahn on Wednesday night, April 18, to clarify his clarification, I discerned where our brother was coming from. He has bought - hook, line, and sinker, the lie of population control. He also has an economic interest in China and has been a huge supporter of her as Most Favored Nation (MFN). He has not acted honorably toward God's Word because he believes there is too much at risk. He has forgotten that he risks far more by being ashamed of the Word of God. Love calls us to confront our brother in his sin, to rebuke him frankly (Leviticus 19:17). Please contact his press secretary, Angell Watts at (757) 226-2450.

Pat is a wonderful man of God, but he is clearly wrong in his position on China and the slaughtering of her preborn. We must love him enough to tell him the truth - the wounds of a friend bring healing.