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Bill O'Reilly Exposed and Now Suing Stephen Bennett Ministries

January 3, 2003

 Bill O'Reilly Exposed and Now Suing Stephen Bennett Ministries

Jesus saved Stephen Bennett out of the sin of homosexuality. He has a loving wife of 10 years and two beautiful children. God has called him into the battle to present the Lord's Truth to the homosexual community. Below are Flip's words to Stephen after his television interview with Bill O'Reilly on the O'Reilly Factor. O'Reilly is a pro-homosexual apostate.

My son David and I were praying for you as you met the malicious slanderer of our Lord Jesus in his safe little lair. O'Reilly's conservatism has proved once again that it is the greatest enemy of Christianity. Conservatism is pretend salt. It looks like salt, talks like salt, seeks the vote of salt, hangs around with salt, but when the test of taste is applied; it is revealed for what it really is. A tasteless enabler of perdition! This fits O'Reilly to a "T."

Mr. O'Reilly is no more a Christian than he is a poached egg. His utter ignorance of the Scripture, Old and New Testaments, and his, "I'll interpret it my way, and you interpret it your way." leaves no one else to be god but him. That's it Stephen! Bill O'Reilly thinks he is God and is taking issue with the God of the universe - the One who created his large mouth!

Obviously Mr. O'Reilly knows better than God how things should have been done. While listening to him drone on, I came to the startling realization that I could beat Tiger Woods at golf anytime, anywhere I wanted. It's true! I could beat Woods, if I were the one making the rules. He wouldn't have a chance!

Neither did you Stephen! O'Reilly set you up. He made the rules. You gave Gospel pearls and he, swine-like, trampled all over them. He is an arrogant horse's petunia, but he will give an account for his every word and, for him, that's going to be a lot of accounting.

Today, January 3, 2003, we find that Fox News and Mr. O'Reilly are attempting to sue Stephen Bennett Ministries. We have some words for you, Mr. O'Reilly.

Now, our "humble servant" is deeply offended that you (Stephen) would expose him for the fool (The fool says in his heart, "There is no God.") that he is. He and Fox News are now attempting to sue you for telling the truth and putting them into a "No Spin Zone" from which they cannot extricate themselves. Too bad!

"He who is pregnant with evil (O'Reilly) and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment. He who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit he has made. The trouble he causes recoils on himself; his violence comes down on his own head." Psalm 7:14-16.

This, of course, is from the Old Testament which Mr. O'Reilly doesn't believe in. He dug a hole (trying to trap you). He scooped it out. Now he has fallen into the pit he has made. And it's all your fault!

Yes, Mr. O'Reilly, our "humble servant," has become what he has always professed to hate - - a victim! A victim of the truth and his own pitiful efforts to supress it.

It is important to note that Jesus did not come to save "victims." He came to save "sinners." Until Mr. O'Reilly can admit that he is a "sinner" in desperate need of a Savior (there is only One), he is going to split hell wide open with no one to blame but himself. No Spin!

It is our prayer that Mr. O'Reilly will stop "spinning," confess his own arrogance and despising of God's Word, and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord and that he (O'Reilly) is not!

In Christian love,
