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are 2 significant similarities in the pictures below. Both have spiritual &
national importance. Can you connect the dots? ![]() ![]()
God does not make mistakes October 28, 2001 The cross that was found intact made out of rough, rugged steel in the midst of the mass destruction that once was the symbol of wealth to the world means far more to the men working in that mountain of rubble and death where fires still burn than we. While the above AP photo appeared on TV, newspapers and web sites all over America and the world, very few have read the text of the news story that went beyond the caption. Here is a quote of a portion. "It was discovered just a few days after the attack. While performing the soul-numbing work of pulling human bodies and body parts from the smoking wreckage, construction worker Frank Silecchia happened upon a perfectly symmetrical cross in the midst of the wreckage. It was standing straight, 20-feet high, surrounded by many smaller crosses. Silecchia stopped in his tracks and stood crying for 20 minutes. "When I first saw it, it took my heart," Silecchia said. "It helped me heal the burden of my despair, and gave me closure on the whole catastrophe." Why did I stumble across an archive newspaper story and photo of this cross only a week ago to hear about these "many smaller crosses" found there in the rubble? As Frank Silecchia and others rightly discerned, this occurred by the providence of a sovereign God, the Lord Jesus Christ who died on a cross, for no sin of His own but ours. We dare not take this lightly by saying a "Wow," the day we saw it on the front page of our newspaper across the nation and then forget its significance today. The Lord Jesus Christ
died upon a cruel instrument of death but on the third day, He rose from the
dead! Bhudda's body stayed in the grave. Mohammed died and his body is still in
the grave. Krishna, Confucious and countless others whose lies robbed millions
of eternal life and go on stealing, killing and destroying their misguided
followers are all still in the grave. But Jesus Christ alone is risen from
the dead proving He and He alone is who He says He is, Almighty God, Prince of
Peace, Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God! The Lord Jesus is still showing
Himself to be sovereign over all creation, nations and people. He is even
showing His mercy in the midst of terrible evil that struck our nation because
we have forgotten our Rock, our heritage and taken His holy name in vain as a
nation. America will say, "How have we taken the Lord's name in vain?"
It's become popular to say "God bless America" in public today. As the gang member in the "Cross and the Switchblade" said to David Wilkerson, "Which God?" Mention the name of Jesus of watch the fireworks as Christ divides the pluralist robbers from Himself and His own true shepherds & true sheep. Oh how the Lord God yearns for us to repent and turn to Him seeking mercy and the righteousness that is only found in Christ! This brings us to the second and strongest similarity seen in both the photo of the cross at "ground zero" and the graphic of what we mistakenly thought was a serious error in the Operation Save America logo on thousands of decals. Where is the American flag in relation to the cross in each graphic? The cross is in the foreground with the flag taking a subservient position in the background as well it should in our hearts as well. Coincidence? This photo of the cross taking prominence over our nation's flag appears on the front page of almost every major newspaper in America and we think it happened for no purpose? HELLO Church! The logo for Operation Save America came about after much prayer to visually covey the message God has given us for America today. With these photos in mind, hear the words of this quote from over 180 years ago:
Patriotism is a good thing if properly understood. History bears out that any people that forsake the foundation of liberty in Christ through self-government by the Bible and firm reliance on the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ become a nation bent on blind nationalism. The British Empire left its Christian roots in pursuit of colonial wealth through blind loyalty to the Crowm. At its zenith, it was ruled by tyrants and soon crumbled and fell. German, the birthplace of the reformation was one of the most patriotic nations one could imagine this past century and that patriotism void of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ produced Hitler and the Third Reich. Mussolini too was popular among a patriotic people because he made the trains run on time. Italy joined with Hitler and look at Mussolini's end. They wrapped themselves in a flag and neglected to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with their God. It was no mistake that our logo came back from the printers with the top of the cross bent to the left. God knew what He was doing all along! We, as usual, are just now privy to what He had in mind after seeing the cross in the ruins that used to be the World Trade Center. We as a nation have bent the message of the cross until it is hardly recognized in the lives of those in the Church let alone the gates in America. Those who cast off the moral restraints of biblical Christianity and support the "choice" to murder 45 million children often malign our Christian heritage and Christianity calling it patriarchal. Listen to one last quote from a 18th century American woman as relate the prevailing worldview up until about 40 years ago: "A patriot without
religion in my estimation is as great a paradox as an honest Man without the
fear of God. Is it possible that he whom no moral obligations bind, can have
any real Good Will towards Men? Can he be a patriot who, by an openly vicious
conduct, is undermining the very bonds of Society?... The Scriptures tell us
'righteousness exalteth a Nation.' " Look at the photo above again! For all who have eyes to see, God is clearly drawing a picture for us all in America. Jesus must be first. He is the standard. There is hope in no place else but Him. In the picture one can readily see how small the flag is compared to the old iron cross. The cross is in front of the flag. If one drapes himself in patriotism apart from the cross of Christ - he is wrong and cannot possibly ask God to bless America. It is a clarion call to repentance! It is a call for America to turn back to Jesus. To stop killing His image bearers. To stop violently removing Him from the hearts of our children in government schools. To stop calling what He calls evil, good and what He calls good, evil. To stop breaking every single one of His Commandments and then expecting - No, demanding Him to forgive us so that we can continue in our sin that grace may abound! When a nation doesn't respond to the written and spoken message, God in His mercy and love draws us pictures: "Perhaps this will get their attention and they will return to Me with their hearts that I might bless and build up - not tear down."Therefore, let us heed His plea from heaven and return the Lord Jesus Christ to the foreground of our individual and national life. May we with one voice unite as a nation under God God again, our lives proclaiming, Christ the Lord first, my country second!
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