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The Move to a One World Church

September 22, 2001

The Move to a One World Church

NOTE: CTOBER 19: We beg your forgiveness for a serious error in reporting on this article. Previously, a sentence read: "The Name of our Lord Jesus was conspicuously left out by all - the President and even Rev. Billy Graham." It has been corrected after a number of brethren contacted us and a video was reviewed. Rev. Billy Graham was indeed one who did mention the name of Jesus and the cross. In listening to it live, so many did not including President Bush in quoting Romans 8:38-39 that this was missed. Again, please forgive us for this unintentional error that has caused harm...

Are you sick and tired of these ecumenical, diversity laden, multi-national, multi-denominational, multi-cultural public displays and gatherings for prayer? All gods tolerated here. If you have a problem with that, then you are the problem. Have you noticed the amazing absence of the Name of Jesus? Have you noticed that among many of the great evangelical leaders of our day, when they had an opportunity to mention His Name, did not?

Earlier this year the focal point for our nation's National Day of Prayer was at the White House. For the first time in eight years the nation's prayer meeting was taking place at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This certainly seemed like progress. James and Shirley Dobson were there, along with Adrian Rogers and many other luminaries in the evangelical world. George and Laura Bush were also in attendance. Yes, Christians who loved God's Word were finally in the White House.

There was, however, not one mention of Jesus' Name during the entire service. Adrian Rogers, who always mentions the Name of Jesus, did not do it this time. Neither did Billy Graham whom, though not in attendance, wrote a prayer for Rev. Rogers to read. George W. Bush did not mention His name either. Why not?

We are moving closer and closer to a One World Church. Every "god" must be tolerated these days, no matter how perverse, with the exception of one. Buddha, Allah, the "god" in the breeze, the "god" in the tree, the "god" in me, et al., are all welcomed into our nation's prayers. But if one dares mention the Name of Jesus, he had better watch out! All hell is guaranteed to break loose. Why? Because Jesus is God and apart from Him there is no other. He is absolutely intolerant of all other gods. Jesus is a sword that divides. We are either with Him or against Him.

[Note from Steve Mashburn: In Matthew 12:30 where Jesus said, "He who is not with Me is against Me; and He that does not gather with Me scatters." is a key for our day. I have been guilty in the past of preaching, "Jesus said if you not for Me, you are against Me." He said "with" not "for" Him. There is a huge difference ibetween "with Jesus" and "for Jesus." Many unsaved people are "for" Jesus but they certainly are nnot "with" Jesus. How many times we are preaching on the streets or holding a sign up an abortion mill, and people drive by and honk, or give you the thumbs up sign. "Yeah man, I'm for you!" Many Americans are "for" Jesus but few are "with" Jesus.]

On Friday, September 14, our President called the nation to a day of "prayer and reflection." In our nation's Capital in Washington, D.C., there was a gathering of our national leaders who were led in prayer by an Islamic priest, an Orthodox Jew, and a United Methodist pastor who acknowledged Allah and all the other gods of the universe. It was an abomination. The Name of our Lord Jesus was conspicuously left out by all - the President and other speakers. Only Rev. Billy Graham mentioned the name of Jesus and the cross. How can we bring Jesus Christ the only true God into a pantheon of idols as if these are all the same God? I was sickened as I realized that our house was no longer founded upon the rock of Jesus Christ. How far we have fallen and we don't even realize it. "You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked." (Revelation 3:17).

To win the Presidency, George W. Bush did all he could to build a coalition of groups that would support him. He tried his level best not to offend anyone. To get his tax cut, George W. Bush did all he could to build a coalition behind him to support his views. To fund stem cell research, George W. Bush did all he could to not alienate the coalition (pro-life or pro-choice). To respond to the terrorist attacks on America, he is doing everything he can to build a coalition of governments. While asking for God's help in overcoming this enemy, he is building a coalition of religions and gods. He is the coalition king - learned it from his daddy.

To call our nation to prayer he attempted to build a coalition of "gods" that we could all pray to. From Allah to the God of the Jews - all were tolerated. The one exception of course was the God who most perfectly revealed Himself in the person of Jesus. He was mentioned once - and that only in a passing prayer! What has happened to us? What have we become? "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain…" (Psalm 127:1).

Flip Benham