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Taking the Gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ to the Gates of Hell: the Local Mosque! December 10, 2001
"We are beseeching you as sold-out born again Christians to confront the evil that has reared its ugly head in these United States about thirty years ago -- the false religion of Islam!
The following article is the new brochure that we have when we go to the mosques in our land to proclaim that Jesus Christ is God! We also use simple signs to proclaim Christ's Kingship while in front of the Mosque. Signs like "Jesus is the Way", "Islam is a Lie", "Jesus is Alive" "Muhammad is Dead!" are what we use to confront the lie of Islam. We must stand against this evil, an evil so great that many are going to hell because of it.
WHAT DO ABORTION, HOMOSEXUALITY, AND ISLAM HAVE IN COMMON? They are all inspired by the same liar who has come to the earth to rob, kill, and destroy. All three are the beneficiaries of the marvelous freedoms and liberty we have in America. All three have violated these freedoms and perverted liberty - making it license. All three deny God and the truth of His Word. All three have entered into a pact with death. All three are often more rigorous in their devotion to false gods than Christians are devoted to the one true GOD. All three have a desperate need for the forgiveness found only through the blood of Christ. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other Name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12. It is precisely for this reason that we come to you today, to share the love of Almighty God as expressed through His one and only Son, Jesus Christ. Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt. Leviticus 19:17. We are here as a living and gentle rebuke. Our Lord commands us in His Holy Scripture that, if we truly love our neighbor, we must tell him the truth. We are here to proclaim to you this day that Jesus Christ is God and apart from Him there is no other. To do or say any less would be hate! SINCERE BELIEF IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR TRUTH The nineteen men who crashed airplanes into buildings and brought many innocent people to their untimely death may have sincerely believed that they were serving God, but they were sincerely wrong. If they could come back from the dead and speak to us today, they would reveal a horror that is beyond words to describe. Rather than joining 72 virgins as promised, they have found themselves in hell for eternity - one cannot even commit suicide to get out. It is eternal damnation! The truth of what one believes is far more important than how much he believes it. Truth is paramount! Kamikaze pilots, on suicidal missions for a false god (Japanese Emperor Hirhito), attempted to crash their airplanes into American ships. No one can doubt the sincerity and zeal of these young men who so carelessly gave their lives for an unworthy and untrue cause, but death and hell were their eternal reward. Those who boarded the Titanic sincerely believed that the ship would not sink. They were sincere in their belief, but their sincerity could not save them when the ship sank. What they believed was a lie. The ship could sink, and the ship did sink. Truth is paramount! Since Muhammeds vision in the early seventh century, millions have been slaughtered by the lie of Islam. This false religion, birthed from the very pit of hell, has led to the eternal damnation of billions of precious people whom God loves. They have been led astray from the one true God (Jesus Christ). No matter how sincere, no matter how committed, no matter how willing to die for Allah, the result will forever be the same - eternal damnation! Believing a lie has severe consequences. OUR FAILURE TO RIGHTLY REPRESENT CHRIST TO YOU Unfortunately, Christianity in America has become so feminized, so weak and limp-wristed that these lies (abortion, homosexuality, and Islam) have come to prevail in a nation that was established and made great on the manly bedrock of biblical Christianity. We, the Church of Jesus Christ in America, have failed to love our country and our neighbors lost in Islam by not representing the true God of the Bible to them. We have allowed God to be thrown out of our nations schools. He has been banished from the schoolyard. We have allowed mothers and fathers to kill their children at a whim. We have allowed sexual lusts to run rampant. Families are disintegrating. Murder fills our streets. Drugs steal our kids. And, not content with the pollution of our own nation, America has become a pipeline through which the whole world is being polluted with pornographic filth, abortion, homosexuality, and false cults. We do all of this yet, with our lying lips, proclaim that Jesus Christ is our Lord! We even ask God to bless America - what utter hypocrisy! The lives we live, the laws we pass, the example we have become have defiled Gods Holy Name. For this we ask your forgiveness. But because we are false to the true and living God does not mean that He is false! AMERICA WAS FOUNDED UPON THE PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIANITY It was not a group of Hindus, Muslims, and Christians that sailed across the Atlantic to the shores of the New World to begin a new nation where one was free to worship Almighty God (Jesus). It was those who loved Christ. It was upon the principles found in the Bible and the liberty found in Jesus Christ that the foundations of our nation were laid. Our Pilgrim forefathers viewed their lives as stepping stones upon which future generations could trod in the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. Our Founding Fathers placed their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor safely in the hands of Jesus believing that divine providence alone would suffice in their battle for independence. Yes, America was founded and built by those following hard after Christ. One of the Founding Fathers, Patrick Henry, put it this way: It cannot be emphasized too often or too strongly that this nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religion but the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is for this very reason that people of other faiths have been afforded prosperity, asylum, and freedom of worship. If you are wondering why you are able to still freely worship a false god in this marvelous and free country you need only look to our LORD Jesus. He said, Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28. He doesn't demand His dogma to be forced upon you like Islamic Jihad. He bids you to come - you can choose to accept or reject Him. This freedom is found only in a nation whose God is the LORD (YAHWEH). BLESSED IS THE NATION WHOSE GOD IS THE LORD Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD . Ps. 33:12. The Hebrew word for LORD in this text is YAHWEH. America has been blessed because our God is YAHWEH. Our nation is a bastion of liberty and freedom, the likes of which have never been seen on this earth, because YAHWEH is our God. YAHWEH is translated I AM in English. This Name for God, YAHWEH, was first revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:11-15 when Moses asked, and who should I say sent me? God replied, I AM, ... say to them I AM sent you. It was by this Name, YAHWEH that God said He would be remembered forever, from generation to generation. This name was so sacred to the Jews, that they considered it blasphemy for a "man" to speak it. It was to them the "ineffable name" of God. Today, when Jews write the name of God, they write it G_d. They delete the vowel so as not to be guilty of taking the Lord's name in vain. Jesus, when He walked the sands of this earth, made one of the most startling statements ever uttered when He confronted the Jews in their religious hypocrisy: Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM. John 8:58. He used the Name, YAHWEH! This so stunned the monotheistic Jews that they tried to stone Him right then and there. Jesus told them that He was God! He told them that He was, is, and always will be YAHWEH! Hear this my friends, it is Jesus and Jesus alone who is GOD! Not Allah, as interpreted by Muhammed, not Gautama Buddha, not Krishna, not the god in me nor the god in the tree. It is Jesus who made and makes this nation great. Ask yourself why you came to America. Ask yourself why people from all over the world come here. There is something about the liberty and freedom to pursue the very purpose for which one is born that makes America different from any other nation on the earth: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17. It is the Lord of liberty (Jesus) that you seek. It is He that draws so many to this nation. He is the one and only true God. He bids you to come unto Him, confess your sins, and find the forgiveness that only He can give. It is our prayer that you will come to experience this liberty in your own heart. Jesus said, you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32. Truth is paramount! Flip Benham
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