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God is Bringing More Ministries to the Charlotte Area Dr. Michael Brown defended our Lord alongside Flip on the Phil Donahue Show back in December, 2002. God is bringing Dr. Brown's ministry to Concord, NC where the National Office has now relocated. Could it be that God is still answering the prayers of David Drye that Concord would be a "city set on a hill." Hello, I was wondering if Flip Benham remembered Dr. Michael Brown? He was the Jewish believer in Jesus on the panel during the Phil Donahue show. If so, did you know that Dr. Brown is also relocating to Concord, NC this summer along with his FIRE school of ministry, missions organization, and church? www.fire-school.org; www.fire-international.org; www.icnministries.org I am a part of FIRE and will be moving up to NC soon. I hope to be able to come to at least some of your meetings this July and meet some of you guys. Until
then, This is Flip's response: Dear John, I was proud of Dr. Mohler and Dr. Brown as they presented the Gospel of Christ to a group of scoffers on the "no longer in existence Phil Donahue Show." Rabbi Schmule is a sight to behold as is Joe Hough (Huff?). Angry, scorning, bitter men who have resisted God at every turn and are presently suffering the due penalty of their error. Too bad. There is, however, still time for their repentance. I pray it comes soon. As for Phil, you might want to take a close look at Proverbs 29:1 and pray that this is not him. There is no one on this earth, that I am aware of, who has done more damage to the Gospel of Christ than he. He claims Christ, the same historical Jesus that you and I know, but it is a different spirit and a different Gospel (2 Corinthians 11: 3-5). His platform has been incredibly large and he has inflicted great damage to the true Gospel of Christ. All the more that you and Dr. Brown must continue the battle for our culture. Continue to storm the gates of hell and demolish strongholds, arguments, and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. Please look us up on the web: operationsaveamerica.org and see the battle we fight. We are with you heart, mind, and soul: "I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I must go till He comes, Give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own - He will recognize me. My banner will be clear! Looking forward to meeting you in July. Do not fail to find me. In Christian love, Flip
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