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A Message to NOW From the Women of OSA


 A Message to NOW From the Women of OSA

"Listen, O daughter, consider and give ear: Forget your people and your father's house. The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord…All glorious is the princess within her chamber; her gown is interwoven with gold. In embroidered garments she is led to the King…Your sons will take the place of Your fathers; You will make them princes throughout the land. I will perpetuate Your memory through all generations; therefore the nations will praise You for ever and ever." Psalm 45:11-17.

On the first Thursday night of every month the National Organization of Women in Dallas, TX held their monthly meeting at La Madeleine's. We purposely would hold our bible study there as well. We are still there. They are no longer coming.

The first bible study was before NOW's Texas Conference in September. As they were leaving, they passed by our table. An older woman looked at us intently. As she and I looked at each other, I saw recognition of who we were in her eyes. She was the only one. The next month, we sat three tables away from them. They all knew who we were. Becky and Missi had spoken with one young woman during the conference. She was at La Madeleine's that evening.

We had been praying all day for genuine conversations. I noticed something as our group met outside the restaurant. I noticed Jesus shining on the faces of each one of these beautiful Christian women as we walked up to one another. I kept recalling in my mind Psalm 45:11, "Listen, O daughter, consider and give ear: Forget your people and your father's house. The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord." I saw women full of Jesus. I saw beauty radiating from their eyes. I saw softness, tenderness, and mercy. I saw biblical womanhood. We prayed that the ladies of NOW would see it too.

We continued on in our study monthly. We wanted to be a witness of what the Lord does in the hearts of women. We were not confrontational in this setting even though it was obvious there was great confrontation in the heavenlies. Many times our hearts would be directed to stop our study and pray for the table of women who stood opposed to the God who could set them free.

Our small bible study has a message for those involved with NOW. We know that many of you have been hurt. We know that many of you believe that you are standing up for the right to be treated correctly. We in Operation Rescue have stood opposed to your agenda as an organization. We will not move from that position. But we do believe there is an aspect of our message that you have missed.

We too, stand up for your right to be treated with honor and dignity. Jesus Himself is the one who bestows that right. It is the love of the King of Kings that brings beauty and honor into our lives. It is Jesus Himself who has placed women in their rightful place of honor. Until Jesus made the statement that a man should be the husband of one wife, women were typically treated as property. Some were loved for sure, but others as is today, are simply treated as objects for the whims of men. What Jesus did in that one statement was to say that men should treat women with dignity and respect. No longer were we to be objects, but men were to love their wives as Christ loved the Church. That meant that a man was to cherish his wife and lay down his life for her.

We believe you to be unaware of the ramifications of NOW's agenda. By your actions and beliefs, you nullify the very thing that would lead to true liberty for women. By your victimizing anger, you keep women in bondage to selfishness. It is as you lose yourself for others that you truly find life.

You would be surprised at what many of us have gone though. We are not ignorant of the plight of women who are being victimized. Some of us have dealt with bitterness over things done to us at the hands of men. Most men without Jesus are predators. It is only as Jesus enters the heart of a man that he can get beyond his selfish lust and enter into something greater than himself.

Guess what ladies, we have a curse all our own. We desire to be independent of men and seek our own way. We can manipulate and control every situation for our own benefit if we are not tempered by the love of the Lord. We do it because we think it is a safe place to be. If I am in control, I can't be hurt. We justify our every action because it is what is best for us, yet we hurt others in the process. We end up becoming the very thing we hate. We will even kill our own children (abortion) to protect ourselves. You know this is true. It's not a pretty picture is it?

But there is a beauty that awaits any woman who is ready to lay that anger down. If you will tell the truth about yourself to Jesus, He will bring you into the liberty that you so desperately desire. The truth is that you have been seeking your own way and it has only brought more bitterness into your heart. You are longing to find that "spacious place" that every woman desires, but it seems that you can never get the break that you need. That is because the problem lies within each of us. It is not everyone else that has hurt you. It is the sin within yourself that keeps you bound. Confess it to Jesus and allow Him to fill you with radiance.

Then you will be able to say "For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with jewels. For as the earth brings forth its bud, As the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, So the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all nations." Isaiah 61:10-11.

We are now meeting at La Madeleine's every first and third Monday of the month. We are still praying to have genuine conversations with you. There are those of you who are truly fed up within yourselves. Jesus is waiting to fill you with beauty. Please don't hesitate to give all that you are to Him. You can trust Him. We are here if you need us.

Kristene O'Dell
Becky Puckett
Missi Owen
Brandi Chapman