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May 2, 2001 Join OSA in Having Memorial Day Services at Abortion Mills - Nationwide Memorial Day is on the 28th of May this year, which is a Monday. We would suggest that you do the service on Saturday, the 26th in front of your local abortion mill. This will avoid any interference or distraction from scheduled veteran activities. You can do the service with about twenty people (several veterans in the mix). Make an appeal at your church for veterans to come and stand in the gap on the 26th and you will be amazed at the response. Below, you will find a proposed order for a Memorial Day Service for the Unborn. Is it legal for Men and women in uniform to join Operation Rescue/Save America for Memorial Day Services outside local abortion mills in our nation? We all find convenient excuses for not standing when we ought to stand. Yes, one is not allowed to publicly express political preferences while in uniform. But one must not use that as an excuse to not stand for life. We are not talking about a political issue here. We are talking about the fundamental right to life, from conception to the grave. Our government and her military were set up primarily to protect life (Genesis 9:6). This biblical reference marks the beginning of civil government. Civil government's primary purpose is to protect life from the bullies of this world who would take it just because they can. God designed the civil government to specifically protect us from (among other things) Social Darwinism, survival of the fittest and the strong pillaging the weak. A man in uniform took an oath before entering military service that he would protect his country against enemies both foreign and domestic. There is an enemy we are facing in America today that has wreaked far more carnage (1/3 of the generation 29 years old and younger has already been killed by it) and is far more insidious than any foreign nation we have ever faced in war. That enemy has a name - abortion! True men of God, who have served their country in uniform, have a responsibility to fight this domestic enemy and drive him back into the pit from whence he came. Our children are depending on manly men to protect them. Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have gone before us and fought valiantly for the liberties we now possess. Our young boys and old men bravely gave life and limb for their country and for liberty. They did not fight the battles so that mothers would be free to kill their children. They fought that the message that made America great and made America free, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, might be brought into all the earth. We are, and always have been, a religious nation founded upon the principles of the Gospel of Christ. This is precisely what has allowed us to become a refuge for people of different faiths, nationalities, races, and creeds. The preservation of our Christian heritage and foundation requires eternal vigilance by men of God who love others more than themselves. Memorial Day reminds us of those who have gone before us and made the ultimate sacrifice. However, for those of us who are alive, the battle is not over! There is no more appropriate a day for soldiers who have served America in her armed services, to stand in the gap on behalf of citizens in America being slaughtered in the womb. Abortion is not, nor has it ever been, a political issue. It is a Gospel issue. It is a man's issue. It is men who must now pick up the cross and move to the front lines and defend the defenseless. Only 6% of the population in America 65 years old and younger has served in the military. Therefore Memorial Day is, for most, just another three-day weekend. God, help us to remember those who have gone before us: those who lived so valiantly and understood so well the cost of freedom. Not the freedom to do what ever we want, but the freedom to become what we ought. We veterans must no longer allow the memory of our fallen brethren to be disparaged in the land of the free and the brave. We will take up the cause of those waiting to be born and defend them with our every blessed breath. In so doing, we will fulfill the oath we all took when we first entered the military. We will also be speaking for our brethren who laid their lives down in wars all over this globe, that we might be free. "Greater love has no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13. That is what Jesus said. Though our fallen warriors are dead, we will remember them by our actions for they still speak to those who have ears to hear. Please tell our veterans to get a grip on the cross of Christ and pick it up. Join with saints across the country for the veterans Memorial Day Service at local abortion mills. Flip
Benham Webmaster's Note: The following is a suggested order of service.
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