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Media Miracle on the 30th Memorial of Roe V. Wade


 Media Miracle on the 30th Memorial of Roe V. Wade

In 21 cities across the nation, Christians who regularly bring the Gospel of Christ to the gates of hell (the local abortion mill) were inundated with media. These quiet, gentle, warriors who faithfully give mothers a real choice outside these death camps were given a platform on January 22, 2003, by none other than God Himself.

The media came, and the saints were able to publicly proclaim the mighty works of God. They told about the mothers who chose life as a result of someone reminding them that God can take what they think is a curse and turn it into a wonderful blessing. They told about the babies being saved. They told about the many who had given their hearts to Christ. They told about the battle being won as simple Christians live out their faith in the streets. They told about the national statistics, pointing to the downward spiral in the number of abortions, the number of abortion providers, and number of abortion mills.

They told about Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade), Dr. Bernard Nathanson (founder of NARAL), and Sandra Cano (Mary Doe of Doe v. Bolton) who are all today, professing, confessing Christians doing all that is humanly possible to overturn Roe v. Wade. All three were won to Christ by Christians living out their faith at abortion mills.

Meeting Christ is what changed their minds about life and when it begins. Jesus Christ is the solution to the "pro-choice" lie! Children can understand this concept but the media is still struggling with it.

There was a profound sense of remorse portrayed in the media coverage that Roe v. Wade was sliding down the slippery slope to oblivion. In much the same way that slavery was erased from our national psyche, so abortion will also go. No one today would say that it is a matter of "choice" whether or not he owned slaves. Slavery was and is a national travesty and an embarrassment. One day, child-killing will be thought of in the same way.

Even Time Magazine had an article entitled, "Under the Radar," where the author claimed that pro-life folks were winning this battle for the lives of children underneath the radar of local and national media.

Welcome to the real world! We have been saying this for the past seven years and some (even "Time?") are waking up and smelling the coffee. Abortion is preeminently a Gospel issue and therefore can never be won in the political arena until it is first won in the streets. The major problem for the media is that it only covers political stuff in Washington, D.C., and political stuff in our states and cities, totally overlooking the ongoing battle being waged in the streets for the minds and hearts our people.

Like it or not, the media had to admit, however reluctantly, that the support for the pro-life cause is up and support for the "pro-choice" camp is down - way down!

Another interesting sidebar is the fact that the old "pro-choice" camp is exactly that - old! Those standing for the pro-life cause are remarkably young. The surviving generation of the Roe V. Wade holocaust, that is those 30 years-old and younger, are standing strong for the lives of children waiting to be born. They are rejecting the materialistic and morally bankrupt ideology of their parents and finding faith in God.

Just note the incredible drop in teenage pregnancy rates over the past ten years. Our kids are realizing that they are not barnyard animals - if its warm you have to copulate with it. They are finding out that one can and should save sex until marriage. All of this again, well beneath the radar of the media.

We remembered the over 45 million babies slaughtered by "legal" abortion on the 30th Memorial of Roe v. Wade, their precious lives snuffed out like so much trash. How tragic! We could see that even the media was finally coming to the epiphany that the battle for the lives of unborn children is being won in the streets. Yes, it is being won as gentle Christians allow their theology to become biography in the streets of their cities.

Thank you Jesus for the platform!