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Dorrie, Donna, Carmen, John, Marilyn, Bill - first row, Jim, Tom, Linda, Mark - 2nd row
Dorrie, Donna, Carmen, John, Marilyn, Bill - first row
Jim, Tom, Linda, Mark - 2nd row - click for larger view


45 leaders within Operation Save America/Operation Rescue were invited to North Carolina for our "Leadership Meeting." We gathered to seek the Lord's face and strategize the demise of the abortion industry in America.

The leadership meeting in Kannapolis, N.C. was uplifting, encouraging and wrought with inspiration, in spite of David Lackey's endless childlike shenanigans. As the watchmen from cities around the nation gave their annual reports, it was obvious that the Lord's hand was dynamically moving in new directions. Many were experiencing victories even within the court system!

As the abortion rate plummets, the Gospel continues to be heard on the highways and byways of our nation. Yet, not without cost as many have come to realize. Pastor Mark of Kansas shared the experience of losing his ordination credentials from Rhema Bible College due to his proclamation of the Gospel at the abortion mills in Wichita. Mark's humble account attests to the fact that to be outstanding today all one has to do is to wholeheartedly serve King Jesus.

Many words of encouragement, as well as admonitions were shared. It was clear to see that Almighty God is continuing to refine and purify us; only those who rightly represent His Son are qualified to be that city set on a hill. Ed Martin's message was superlative and his willingness to be transparent and vulnerable before God's people inspired many hearts to stay right with the Lord.

Sunday morning we had the privilege of hearing Flip, speaking from the pulpit of his home church, as he pulled out all the stops while fearlessly preaching the finest "rescue" sermon we have ever heard. It was awesome! Charlotte look out!

Remember the "corn husks" exposition Pastor Daniel gave in Wichita and the sermon about the "church of Jeroboam" in Dallas? Of equivalent magnitude was the contrast he gave between the Church that conquered the land of Canaan and the Church of the Wilderness. Those of us who heard, are still reeling from the impact of this powerful message. (Hopefully, you will get to hear it soon.)

The question is: how many today would have followed Joshua and Caleb; how many would have dared to venture into the "land of giants" willing to possess the land knowing their only hope was God himself? How many leaders today would choose to remain in the wilderness as did the ten spies after they shrank back from the battles, desiring rather to remain in relative comfort, content instead with the ration of daily "manna," even adjusting to the monotony of the "desert." Unfortunately, those ten leaders of the Church of the Wilderness took the people on a grand journey to nowhere.

Many leaders today seem to have the spirit of the ten spies, content with looking into the promised land. Many seeming to have profound insight and penetrating vision, yet few having the spirit of those who actually crossed over and entered Canaan, possessing the land. There was no manna on the west bank of the Jordan, there was only the surety of endless confrontations and battles; yet God said - your inheritance is on the other side. Canaan Christians don't fare well in wilderness churches. Wilderness people won't follow Canaan leaders. This accounts for the apathy we see in so many. This accounts for Pastor Mark's experience. And this accounts for the trials that God's people experience when they confront others with God's standard of righteousness.

Canaan Christians are not content to simply gaze into the land across the Jordan. Canaan Christians want more, not only to see their redemption, but their quest is to possess their redeemer.

More pictures from the National Leadership Meeting - Click for larger view.

Flip at Leadership Meeting
Flip at Leadership Meeting
Abi, Jon, Flip, Faye
Abi, Jon, Flip, Faye
Pastor Daniel Thompson, Donna Lippoldt (OSA-Wichita) Dave Lackey OSA-Alabama
Pastor Daniel Thompson, Donna Lippoldt (OSA-Wichita) Dave Lackey OSA-Alabama
The Wichita Crew: Pastor Daniel, Donna and Pastor Mark in the back
The Wichita Crew: Pastor Daniel, Donna and Pastor Mark in the back
Flip and OSA-CT Leaders
Flip and OSA-CT Leaders
OSA National Women
OSA National Women
Worship on the Streets at the Concord mill
Leaders from States Gather in NC
Worship on the Streets at the Concord mill
Worship on the Streets at the Concord mill
Police at NC mill
Police at NC mill