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June 26, 2001 Kansas Religious Leaders for Choice Seek to Censor Gospel of Christ in Wichita By Flip Benham We have been hearing much lately from a group that calls itself Kansas Religious Leaders for Choice (KRLC). This group would be better named Kansas Religious Leaders for Death. It represents various clergy dug up from the pit of hell by the abortion industry to illustrate the religious positives for killing little baby boys and girls. The tie that binds this group together is abortion. It is composed of men and women who wear their collars backward (their theology is just as backward), claiming the Name of Christ (most of them) yet spurning His Commandments. The true purpose of KRLC is to stop, at all costs, those who would bring the life-giving Gospel of Christ to the very gates of hell - the local abortion mill. It seeks to stop those bringing a "real choice" to mothers and fathers in crisis pregnancy situations. To do this, it attempts to paint Christians who dare to allow their theology to become biography at abortion mills as wild-eyed lunatics bent on terrorizing and harassing women. Nothing could be further from the truth! When one is losing an argument he often resorts to argument ad hominem (name-calling, blame shifting). This is exactly what KRLC is doing. It has no moral, religious, scientific, or logical ground upon which to stand in its blatant support of abortion, so it attacks the character and name of those who stand for what is right. Just ask your teenager how this form of argument works. Nero blamed the fires he started in Rome on the "atheistic cannibals" (read Christians) in order to deflect blame from himself. Adolph Hitler blamed the Jews (he called them vermin) for Germany's economic woes, thus paving the way for Nazi concentration camps. KRLC is blaming gentle Christians for disturbing the peace in Wichita. Argument ad homonym works! It has been around since the garden, and always obfuscates the truth. What KRLC fails to mention is that George Tiller, the infamous late term child killer, has been disturbing the peace in Wichita for years. Very few children leave his place of business alive! Christians in the city of Wichita and the state of Kansas see through the hypocrisy of these so-called "religious leaders." The citizens of this state have never endorsed the killing of their children at abortion mills. For "religious leaders" to claim the Name of Christ yet advocate the violent killing of little baby boys and girls is a blight upon the city, the state, the nation, and the Church they claim to represent. For reasons known only to God, the state of Kansas has been a watershed for many Gospel battles. In the 1850's the battle between the "Slavery Rights Advocates for Choice" and the abolitionists became a preview to the Civil War. Because of the violence of this clash the new territory was dubbed "Bleeding Kansas." The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, allowed both Kansas and Nebraska to decide the slavery issue locally and settlers from all parts of the country flooded Kansas hoping to set a precedent to free slaves. Outside agitators anyone? The landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision issued by the Supreme Court in 1954 that outlawed segregation, originated in Topeka, Kansas. In 1999, the Kansas State Board of Education aroused the ire of Darwinists and evolutionists around the world by daring to give each local school district the "freedom to choose" whether or not to include in its curriculum, macro-evolution. Yes, Gospel battles of worldwide consequence have been waged in Kansas over the years. It has become the physical flash point of the spiritual battle being waged in the heavenlies and manifesting itself here on earth. The state of Kansas has become the physical manifestation of the battle between the seeds - the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman (Genesis 3:15). It was in the summer of 1991 that Christians from around the nation converged on Wichita, Kansas to bring the Gospel of Christ to the very gates of hell. Thousands were arrested. Eighty-two pastors laid their lives down at abortion mill doors to speak for those who could not speak for themselves. The battle raged! The gates of hell shook! National attention again returned to Kansas as the Gospel battle played itself out in the streets of Wichita. Theology had moved from the church house to become biography on the streets. Thousands of Christians stood and said, by their lives, that they would not sit idly by while little children die. They came in open defiance of a Supreme Court that, on January 22, 1973, defied the Law of Almighty God. By their lives they reminded the Supreme Court of the United States of America that it was not supreme. They reminded the nation and the world that there is another court, that truly is Supreme, before whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The Christians who came to Wichita that summer swore their allegiance to King Jesus and His image bearers, and suffered valiantly the consequences of their courageous actions. It will be in Wichita, Kansas again this summer that the battle will rage for the lives of little baby boys and girls safe in their mother's wombs. Those who oppose Christ have already risen up to ridicule and disdain the efforts of these gentle Christians. Opposition is to be expected. We, at Operation Save America, believe that abortion is preeminently a Gospel issue. It is a battle over the questions, "Who is Lord?" and "Whose laws reign?" We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that His Law reigns. We live out what we believe as we bring the wonderful theology of the church house to become biography on the streets. Since we were last in Wichita during the summer of 1991, the number of abortions in America declined by almost 40%. The number of abortion mills declined by over 40%, and the number of abortionists has declined by 40%. The battle is being won! The three people most instrumental in ushering us into the era of Roe v. Wade; Norma McCorvey, the Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade; Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the founder of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL); and Sandra Cano, the Mary Doe of Doe v. Bolton, are all today, confessing, professing Christians. They met Jesus and their whole worldview changed. What caused them to give their hearts to Christ? Simple Christians living out their faith at the very gates of hell. The battle is being won! Yes, the battle for the lives of unborn children is being won as gentle Christians live out their faith in the streets of their cities. One by one, abortion mills are closing. One by one abortion industry employees are giving their hearts to Christ. One by one, mothers are choosing life for their children. Jesus is bigger than the abortion industry! Jesus despised the shame heaped upon Him by "religious leaders" of His day and we too must do the same. It is precisely because of the effectiveness of the Gospel of Christ at abortion mill doors that "religious leaders" have been hired by the abortion industry to speak against the very Gospel they claim to represent. They have betrayed their Lord and so have all who listen to them!
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