am one that supports James Kopp.
do believe that God is the Author of Life and Death, and that all
Post Conceived Human Beings DESERVE that God given right to life.
lines in black are in reference to an article that AB and Flip will
discuss in this conversation.)
Oct. 23, 1998 shooting caused a reaction that drastically set back
the movement Kopp believed in.
set back to the real Pro-Life movement. WE all still protest. Maybe
those other groups can not collect as much money as they previously
had; too bad for them.
If these Post Conceived Human Beings were any relative of yours,
you perhaps would consider otherwise and do similar. And they are,
we are all Brothers and Sisters of Jesus Christ, ALL who believe
in Him. I am not telling you anything new; I am certain you know
scripture better than I.
made the people he opposed even more dedicated to the cause of providing
support for women in need of abortions.
untrue. It instills the Fear of God in them and they reconsider.
Much data on this logic.
shooting also alienated mainstream anti-abortion groups who oppose
violence, and put them on the defensive in the court of public opinion.
anti-abortion groups" ... Face it brother Flip, many
of these so called groups only many money from the Systematic Murder
of the Human Race. The PROFIT from Murder of the Post Conceived
the shooting of Slepian did do was to remove yet another Murder
of Post Conceived Humans from the equation. Right or Wrong!
most of those in the defensive, are there because they Finally get
their opinions Printed, they are mostly Media Hounds, looking for
a $$$ donor.
it also did was risk a Brothers Eternity, we all should Pray for
him and let him also have his day in court like EVERYOTHER person
on trial.
perhaps PRAY that measures like this do not occur.
and equal treatment under the law.
dear friend A,
had no idea that you supported the lie called "justifiable
homicide" as it relates to the murdering of abortionists to
"save" the lives of babies. I would suggest that you re-read
the article I wrote and placed in your hands at the leadership meeting
in Charlotte (Why We Don't Shoot Abortionists and Blow-up Abortion
Mills). If you don't have it, you can find it on our website:
were allowed to come to our meeting at the behest of another. This
was an error on my part. Our stand against using murder to solve
the problem of the murder of pre-born children is clear and unequivocal.
If you knew this, and I am inclined to think that you did, you should
have had the integrity of heart not to come.
you to deliberately take comments from a news article that were
not direct quotes from me and then attribute them to me, is wrong!
I get angry when people misquote me, and I get even angrier when
they quote me correctly over some of the stupid remarks I have made.
I get mad at how bone-headed I was to have made such a foolish statement.
I didn't write this article. Why don't you read the stuff I did
write -its on the web, and it was placed in your hands at the leadership
There is a separation between us and will remain until you repent
before God of the heresy of "justifiable homicide" as
it relates to abortionists.
Christian love,
apology - my spell check is off and although I had to write many
papers in both of my masters degrees and I spell each word as I
type it, my spelling is still not perfect. But most of all, I type
from the HEART when I speak to my friends.
am guilty of assuming the article came from you Phillip Benham and
for that sir, I apologize. Knowing the media as I do, I should NOT
have assumed that was your verbatim response.
the AOG:
I am a Practicing Orthodox Roman Catholic Christian. Guilt by association
is not a very Christian thing to believe and profess. Even the Grand
Jury found no problems with our individual non-affiliations. Hopefully
after you read my response you might see my reasoning to my affiliation(s)
and perhaps that might also solicit an apology from you too.
personally do not know each and every member in the AOG's (a non-membership
non-organization) beliefs, what they profess, nor do I know or assume
any of their religious or political associations nor their favorite
color or food.
I can explain Justifiable Homicide in a way that everyone would
accept it; as with our immediate family being attacked and their
lives in immediate danger. Case Law and the Bible permits defending
yourself with equal force. But this is not where your problem with
me exists nor have I ever proclaimed the belief from which you are
assuming my guilt.
anyone ever reads anything I write, it fully discusses not the Babies
being murdered but the Post Conceived Human Being being murdered
and EVERYONE, at the very moment of conception, is a Post Conceived
Human Being. Even Abortionists! Even Hitler! Even our current enemies
of the State; EVERYONE deserves to live to hopefully eventually,
come to God; as I pray I will also. Now this you may attribute to
me AB.
have various reasons for MY associations with various Pro-Life,
Anti-Abortion organizations.
being to convince individuals to understand and accept the fact
that every Post Conceived Human Being deserves to live; no matter
how bad or how evil or what actions they did. It is really easy
to preach to those who are saved but to go to the gates of Hell
and preach to those souls about to enter is worth my time. Someone
must do it, why not me!
see some of my brother Catholic Christians doing things that endanger
their immortal souls and it is MY personal obligation to do what
I must to stop them from this error. If I can not have access to
them, I can not help them. James Kopp is a brother Roman Catholic
Christian who may have done something that may adversely affect
his immortal soul. I take it upon myself to offer him the Words
as they come to me, from my Roman Catholic faith.
do the same for you my brother.
says: "For you to deliberately take comments from a news article
that were not direct quotes from me and then attribute them to me,
is wrong!"
says: Brother Flip, I use your own words to describe what you are
proclaiming me guilty of (guilt by association).
says: "I get angry when people misquote me, and I get even
angrier when they quote me correctly over some of the stupid remarks
I have made. I get mad at how bone-headed I was to have made such
a foolish statement."
says: Brother Flip, I very rarely get mad, perhaps concerned, but
rarely mad.
says: "There is a separation between us and will remain until
you repent before God of the heresy of "justifiable homicide"
as it relates to abortionists."
says: Brother Flip, if there is a heresy of justifiable homocide,
it MUST exist to more than just abortionists; if not, then we have
situational ethics. In all honesty, if I AB, see ANYONE about to
be hurt in any way shape or form, I promise you that I will do as
I must to stop it. A wrong is a wrong an evil an evil. To repent
for something specifically, I must be guilty of something specifically,
not just accused. Years ago in Alexandria Virginia I personally
interceded in removing a city police officers gun from a crazy man's
hand; as it was placed directly against the police officers temple.
Years later, I was appealing a conviction in this same court room;
for criminal trespass at an Abortion Mill.
do as I must. I hope you still view me as your brother.
read the articles I have written concerning "justifiable homicide"
as it applies to the murdering of abortionists. The Word
of God states the case far better than I, so I have endeavored to
examine this issue through a Biblical grid. Not a bad idea! So please
read the articles. This is not asking too much is it? You certainly
do not want to become an "enemy of the cross." (Just a
caveat to get you to READ the articles.)
do well at justifying your actions and words (all of a man's ways
are right in his own eyes), but you do not do well at listening.
Perhaps God has a Word He would like to impart to you from a blasphemer
like me (for the life of me I do not see how I could ever blaspheme
James Kopp - perhaps I do not know the proper meaning of the word).
But you will never know that because even now, before you listen,
you are considering your response.
Enough A! You might want to check out Ephesians 4:26, to see
what it says about anger. Have one of the priests help you correctly
exegete the passage from the Greek. I am in great danger of allowing
the sun to go down on my anger at your foolishness. For this I beg
your forgiveness.
homicide" does not apply to the murdering of abortionists.
It is a lie from the pit of hell and it is a sin. It is the same
"pro-choice" lie that allows abortionists to murder children.
The abortionist says he is justified in killing children to save
the life of the mother. What utter deception! James Kopp, no matter
how sincere, was wrong in what he did. It was murder! Barnett Slepian
is dead! I was to have lunch with Mr. Slepian two weeks after he
was shot dead by your hero James Kopp.
Bob Behn, the Director of Operation Save America in Buffalo,
had breakfast with him on more than one occasion. He shared the
Gospel of Christ with Mr. Slepian who, from all appearances, desired
to know more about Jesus. If Mr. Kopp were truly a friend of life,
why did he not do the brave thing and share the Gospel of Christ
with Mr. Slepian?
Kopp either lied to Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics, or he was lying
when he gave his testimony to the newspaper in Buffalo. Either way,
he has proved himself a liar. Not only is he a liar and a murderer,
he is a flat out coward. Murdering father and husband in front of
wife and kids, while hiding safely behind a tree. What a man! He
did the same thing Slepian did to countless thousands of children.
He used murder as a way to solve a problem. The devil has Mr. Kopp
firmly in his lying grasp. Mr. Kopp became the very thing he despised
- a murderer!
Kopp acted as judge, jury, and executioner A, and no single human
being has been delegated that authority from God. Admittedly, abortionists
may take this authority, tyrants will demand it, and the devil uses
it, but doing so only leads to death - not life.
is the civil government that wields the sword. This is not my idea,
it is God's (Romans 13). Abortionists are guilty of murder - no
question about that. They are the instrument the mother uses to
kill her child. But they are only the instrument. Who do you think
is most responsible for the shedding of innocent blood in our nation
today? The answer may surprise you.
is not Planned Parenthood, the National Organization for Women (NOW),
the National Abortion Federation (NAF), the ACLU, ad nauseam. It
is not the President of the United States, the Congress, or the
Supreme Court. It is not the abortion industry, the abortionists,
the counselors, or the escorts. It is not even the mother and father
that are paying to have their own child killed.
the one most responsible for the abortion holocaust that is savaging
our nation, is the one who is certain it is doing everything in
its power to stop the slaughter. I am, of course, speaking of the
Church of Jesus Christ.
the Church of Jesus Christ, have failed to give a clear voice for
pre-born children and, in so doing, have failed our nation. You
can talk to me all you want about how Catholic you are. Quite frankly
I don't give a rip. If you are saved by the Blood of Christ and
Him alone, you are my brother. I can talk to you all day about how
Protestant I am, but if I am not bought by the blood of Christ,
I am a clanging cymbal.
is those of us who claim the Name of Christ who are most responsible
for the innocent blood that is being shed in abortuaries across
this land. We have eyes to see their unformed bodies. We have ears
to ear their cries. We have a Lord who commands us to speak for
those who cannot speak for themselves. And we just sit idly by
while little children die. Oh, we may vote "Republican,"
hire a conservative, preach a message once a year, write a song
or two, and build a crisis pregnancy center, but we would never
consider loving our pre-born brother and sister as we love ourselves.
it is you and I who need to repent before God of what we have allowed
the Church of Jesus Christ to become. It is a whimpering, simpering
shell of what it once was when our Pilgrim forefathers traversed
the mighty Atlantic to the New World to build a nation upon the
Word of God. Our Founding Fathers loved the Word of God and knew
it well. No, abortion would never have come into being in their
day. The lie would have been crushed by the truth of the Gospel
of Jesus Christ. These were men who were unashamed of the Name.
we have failed as a church, we have opened the door for poor misguided
men like James Kopp to commit mindless acts of so-called righteousness
(murder) in order to end abortion in America. James Kopp is simply
the product of a pathetic church, devoid of all power, and as irrelevant
as it ever has been in the history of this nation.
my friend have one choice: Repent (meta-noia)
the Mighty Name of Jesus I remain a public rebuke to you.
did not write this article or the heading, it was Cc'd to me from
another Christian. Please note the ("Re:" in subject heading),
it is a response to what someone else had written about you. I merely
asked a few questions of you from statements within the article.
You never gave me any reason to make these following statements
about you (in the document), nor do I know you well enough to deduce
states in reiteration to the article, "a blaphemer like me
(for the life of me I do not see how I could ever balaspheme James
Kopp - perhaps I do not know the proper meaning of the word)."
Flip, I did not justify my actions or words, I merely am telling
you I did not write this attack on you, I merely asked some questions
to you regarding this article.
"You do well at justifying your actions and words.".
course I was formulating my response before I completed the total
e-mail. That my dear friend is my analytical side; line by line,
statement by statement.
Kopp is my brother in Christ as he is your brother in Christ, he
is not my hero (dead by your hero James Kopp).
a true statement "The devil has Mr. Kopp firmly in his
lying grasp. Mr. Kopp became the very thing he despised - a murderer!"
Brother Flip, as a Catholic Christian, I can not judge brother James
Kopp's soul or his eternity.
very true statement. "Admittedly, abortionists may take
this authority, tyrants will demand it, and the devil uses it, but
doing so only leads to death - not life."
disagree, it is the PEOPLE in the Church of Jesus Christ. "No,
the one most responsible for the abortion holocaust that is savaging
our nation, is the one who is certain it is doing everything in
its power to stop the slaughter. I am, of course, speaking of the
Church of Jesus Christ."
completely agree on this, I have personally traveled to ten's of
Churches, Protestant and Catholic Christian and begged clergy to
come and see, come and help, come and pray; but, it is the PEOPLE
in the Church of Jesus Christ. " AB, it is you and I
who need to repent before God of what we have allowed the Church
of Jesus Christ to become."
brother Flip, it is the PEOPLE in the Church who have failed and
not the Church itself. "Because we have failed as a church,
we have opened the door for poor misguided men like James Kopp to
commit mindless acts of so-called righteousness (murder) in order
to end abortion in America.".
is my very reason for being associated with various Pro-Life, Anti-Abortion
organizations and non-organizations. " we have opened
the door for poor misguided men like James Kopp to commit mindless
acts of so-called righteousness (murder) in order to end abortion
in America.". As I had hoped I made perfectly clear
in my response to you, I take it upon myself to PERSONALLY converse
with others who might be so inclined, to show them another way,
to keep them focused on God and His salvation.
find your perception of what I state to be totally incorrect of
who I am and what I stand for. You fully know that I support all
life. Every Post Conceived Human Being deserves a chance at life
and God is the ONLY author of life and death. Where does your opposition
to me exist brother Flip? Please re-read my responses to your statements
from the very beginning. I do not support the taking of ANY life.
and for you to assume that I do solely because I am associated with
a group of people who may or may not have such a belief, is very
wrong, uncharitable and very un-Christian (if it is intentional).
reference to this, I must say you have difficulty comprehending
what you are reading or I am NOT making myself clear enough for
you to understand me brother Flip. "You my friend have
one choice: Repent (meta-noia). In the Mighty Name of Jesus I remain
a public rebuke to you."
brother Flip, I (AB) am a Practicing Orthodox Roman Catholic and
I NEVER choose a position outside of my formal beliefs, as stated
emphatically by the Holy Father and the Magisterium.
suppose there is not one in a million like you. I was not aware
that the subject, "Flip Benham blasphemes James Kopp again,"
was not your subject. I am not aware of alot of things on these
has revealed your heart to me through your writing and AB, I believe
that you love Christ with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
You are right in saying that I cannot judge your eternal state with
the Lord. That is for Him alone to determine. I can and must, however,
judge the actions of men (my own and those of others) through the
absolute infallible grid of God's Word. There is a right and there
is a wrong and it is measured by God's Word. This is the measure
we use (Matthew 7:1-6).
we judge A, we must make a right judgment (John 7:24). For us to
make a right judgment we must first get the log out of our own eye
before we can correctly see to remove the speck from our brother's
eye. Having done this self-judgment (examining ourselves before
the grid of God's Word) we must correctly make a judgment on the
actions of James Kopp. I cannot judge his motives, because no one
but God Himself is aware of Mr. Kopp's motives. This includes Mr.
Kopp. We must, however, judge his self-confessed murder of Barnett
my dear friend A, is what you must do. If what Mr. Kopp did was
wrong and was murder then it is incumbent upon you to say so. If
what he did was a sin, it is not love to tell him anything less.
As a matter of fact, love demands that you tell Mr. Kopp the truth:
"Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor
frankly so you will not share in his guilt." Leviticus 19:17.
men of God like you don't tell him the truth, he may never know
that what he did was a sin. If he is unaware of his sin, and you
see that what he has done is a direct violation of God's written
Word, then you my friend are guilty. Yes, guilty of not loving your
neighbor as yourself. You have also failed in your duty as a watchmen:
"...I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so
hear the word I speak and give them a warning from me. When I say
to a wicked man, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn him
or speak out to dissuade him from his evil ways in order to save
his life, that wicked man will die for his sin, and I will hold
you accountable for his sin." Ezekiel 3: 17-18.
this is not a Scripture plucked out of context. Read the entire
context of Ezekiel 3, then go to Ezekiel 18, then to Ezekiel 33,
then read through the entirety of the Bible. We are our brother's
keeper. We are responsible to God to speak His truth so that people
may repent of their sins and be healed through the blood of Christ.
James Kopp needs to know that what he did was a sin!
Church (Church -ecclesia- always refers to "the people"
when used in the New Testament) needs to know that murdering abortionists
is a sin. That one does not solve the problem of murder by murdering
other people. The premeditated murdering of abortionists has nothing
to do with a "Just War" nor does it have anything to do
with the justifiable killing of one to save the life of another.
It is the mother that kills the child A, the abortionist is simply
the hired gun to do the dirty deed.
I am asking you make this truth known. James Kopp is a self-confessed
murderer. He is in sin until he repents before God. No matter how
sincere, his right motives can never be used as a cover-up for his
wrong actions. The ends never justify the means in God's economy.
All must know that shooting abortionists and blowing up abortion
mills is a sin before God. "There is a way that seems right
to a man, but in the end it leads to death." Proverbs 14:12.
this as you do A, requires you to speak the truth. There are many
who are listening, they may even now be considering killing an abortionist,
and your strong words may make the difference in what they choose
to do. Remember, wrong theology inevitably leads to wrong behavior.
I tried my best to get this through to Paul Hill before he murdered
abortionist Britton, and Jim Barrett in Pensacola.
am now asking you to do your best to expose James Kopp's sin. It
will be the supreme act of love, not only for James Kopp, but for
others who may be contemplating murder as a solution to anything.
are an amazing man A. I have long enjoyed your writing - you pull
no punches! I beseech you to stand strong on this issue!
Christian love,
dearest friend:
can not believe how passionate I feel about this; not only Jim,
but the others who are in jail for various reasons, and also for
you and our friends and family.
I told my dear buddy on the ride to and fro, I PERSONALLY have traveled
to churches of all denominations begging and pleading them to come
out. Over these many years, clergy come out and better than that
they finally are preaching about it and some have also formed support
organizations. I am happy with the outcome. Obviously I will be
happier when there is no abortion.
a very true statement. Most people make a blanket statement that
"we can not judge another", obviously they are wrong.
I have personally approached Catholic Clergy directly after their
sermons and asked them point blank, "What seminary did you
got to". Flip stated, "we must correctly make a
judgment on the actions of James Kopp. I cannot judge his motives,
because no one but God Himself is aware of Mr. Kopp's motives. This
includes Mr. Kopp. We must, however, judge his self-confessed murder
of Barnett Slepian.". I PRAY that in the end, brother
Jim did not even shoot Slepian; how real is it, I do not know. We
all know the very conflicting stories that floated about; what to
believe, the confession? What I do know is that too many Christians
are in jail, who could be out on the streets speaking the truth
every day.
absolute truth brother Flip, this is WHY I belong to these other
Pro-life and Anti-Abortion organizations and non-Organizations;
to tell them there is another way, God's way. Every Post Conceived
Human Being deserves life. Flip states: If he is unaware
of his sin, and you see that what he has done is a direct violation
of God's written Word, then you my friend are guilty.
Flip, NOW you can see what I go through all the time because of
my associations, but who else is doing it, who else is there conversing
with them before and after they do something ABSOLUTELY against
God's Will. I have had Federal Officers come to my work many times
questioning me, I have lost considerable work, people hate me BUT
who else is there to help those like Jim Kopp, like Dennis Malvasi,
like Loretta Marra, like Jennifer Sperle and on and on. Why NOT
me! I am a single man and can take care of and support myself good
enough to EXIST and this I do; hopefully, for God's greater glory.
battle with AOG members very often but they still let me talk, I
have been removed as a speaker at the Knights of Columbus in many
places in Northern Virginia for begging them to get active. Many
years ago, I personally presented the K of C evidence regarding
partial birth abortionists in NJ and BEGGED them to make this a
major issue in the state and nationally with the K of C. This resulted
in my "Inactive" status in K of C. But I have seen a few
grandchildren born to my brother K of C that thanked me for doing
what I did. I see the children.
absolute truth brother Flip, "We are our brother's keeper.
We are responsible to God to speak His truth so that people may
repent of their sins and be healed through the blood of Christ.
James Kopp needs to know that what he did was a sin! I PERSONALLY
have PLEADED with Father Frank Pavone with Priests for Life many
times to give brother Jim Kopp confession; this IS my faith that
I firmly believe and will defend with my LIFE. I AM a Practicing
Orthodox Roman Catholic. Brother Jim Kopp KNOWS what he did was
a SIN and was WRONG.
also agree with you regarding this too brother Flip, "The premeditated
murdering of abortionists has nothing to do with a "Just War".
My Roman Catholic religion clearly states this truth.
your sermon in NC, you asked something like "if the President
granted to stop ALL abortion BUT we had to sacrifice 3 children
for his efforts, would we agree with this ... Obviously millions
would be saved"... I alone spoke out "NO". Father
Francis looked at me and presented the same conclusion you had presented
(for discussion) and I told my dear buddy "it is wrong, it
is basic moral theology, we CAN NOT commit an EVIL so good might
come from it".
for Paul Hill. He knows not.