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May 22, 2001 Charge To The Saints From Dr. D. James Kennedy I am glad to submit, in accordance with your request, the following charge to the those who will be participating in the July effort in Wichita: I charge you - each one of you - to realize that what you are concerned with on this historical date is life. The very first 'unalienable right' listed in our Declaration of Independence is the right to life. More than that, our Lord promised to all the gift of the quality of life ('life more abundantly'). And the whole purpose of His coming into this world was to make possible life everlasting to those who are saved by grace through faith in His marvelous Gospel. In spite of one of the most startling statements in all of God's Word - 'all those who hate me love death' - we have watched our beloved nation, in a very short period of time, become infatuated with death. That must be brought to an end for the sake of generations unborn. As precious as the right to liberty is, life is more important. As desirable as the pursuit of happiness may be, life has to be placed above it. The reason for this is that life is not our concern nearly as much as it is God's concern. He alone gives life, and it is He who takes it away. The time has come for those who value human life to oppose this gross moral evil with every resource available under the law. There is not a rational argument that can be presented for the flood of abortions that has launched this nation into a sea of blood. God condemns those who shed innocent blood, and we are in danger of bringing down on this country the very wrath of God. I am certain that, eventually, this hideous blot on the escutcheon of humankind will be wiped away. Just as slavery went the way of other evils, and just as Nazism passed away, so also will this butchery of the innocent pass away. However, it will leave a scar on the historical character of our nation. It will shock our children and our children's children that we even allowed such a slaughter to occur. We must do all we can to help those members of our society who are the most helpless and silent sufferers of all - the unborn children. I charge you to understand that the battle is not with any human organization, but with the principalities and powers of darkness. It is Satan, whom Jesus called a murderer from the beginning, who is behind this thrust to kill the innocent. If the Christian Church can be mobilized into an effective spiritual assault team to fight the forces which would have us accept these abominations we can have every confidence that God will grant us a victory! May God bless you with a good meeting in Wichita this summer, and may He get all the glory. Sincerely in
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