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Is An Embryo Human?


 Is An Embryo Human?

Dear Pastor Dan,

Thank you very much for your clear and succinct "ethical short." Clear and concise, nevertheless shocking! If pastors who man the pulpits today, were to run with this message and deliver it to every mother and father who is presently using birth control, what do you suppose the response would be?

The problem lies within the church (the Light of the world) "...If the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness?" Matthew 6:23. If we, God's Church, are in the dark concerning the pill and contraception, just exactly where would we expect to find the "world" which is in utter darkness without Christ. The problem is that we are in the dark because we choose to be in the dark. It is not because God has been silent, it is because we are in denial.

Again, judgment must begin in the house of God before it is moved into the world. Everything God does begins with His Church, therefore we have a great responsibility to hear Him and bring His message into the world. The message you are sharing Pastor Dan, is one that will be received far more readily in the world than it will in God's church. You would not pastor long in most of the evangelical denominations I know.

We believe that children are a blessing from God, issued to mothers and fathers just as strategic weapons are placed into the hands of a warrior. They are given to us to be sharpened and honed that, when they are launched from the bow of family and church, they will plunge into the bull's-eye for their lives. Yes, that they may do damage to the enemy's nasty little kingdom.

God loves children - lots of them! Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. God is a family man wants to employ us all in the family business. It is when we view children as God views them that we begin to see their magnificent worth and the utter sanctity of their precious lives. Then we would not so easily be put to shame as we contend with our enemies at the gate. Psalm 127:5. I'm glad to be a part of this magnificent family through Christ.

In Christian love, Flip

Dear Rev Flip,

Thanks for taking time to speak moments ago. I have found in my attempts to put forth both an ethical argument against abortion & abortifacients, that the media will sometimes publish the religious ones but never publish the ethical ones. It has become clear to me that they want to keep pro-lifers characterized as religious extremists, whose arguments are not to be taken seriously by those who are (as they would put it) "enlightened" by rationalism. However, I have found the attached purely ethical short to be helpful and persuasive for those people who pride themselves in being ethical to the exclusion of religiously motivated. You may use it with or without credit to my authorship; just use it by getting others to print and cut copies.

The document uses the ethical point that "you cannot know when human life begins." You and I realize that we can indeed know when human life begins; it's just that you must keep in mind the reader for whom it is mean. Have a look.

May God bless your important work.

In Christ,
Dan Gallagher

Is an embryo human? Consider the following:
Is it murder to kill a baby a day after birth? The day of its birth? A day before? Keep asking as you count back to conception.

You can't be CERTAIN on which day it's human. Ethically, abortion is like shooting at your home without being certain whether your kids are there.

Have we become a nation unwilling to bother with ethical reasoning... or an inconvenient baby's life?

What does this imply for taking contraceptives?
Birth control pills fail to stop ovulation about once in 50 cycles. They don't JUST reduce ovulation. The pill shrivels wombs. Why are the 2 facts crucial?

"Breakthrough" fertilizations -- human babies -- can't adhere to the womb. Most starve and abort.

If you use the pill, you're likely to have an abortion once in 50 cycles -- and probably not even know it.

Which raises a question: Do you care, or will you "play the odds" with what could be YOUR baby?