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June 9, 2001 A Higher Goal By Rachel McGlade Webmaster's Note: This is a speech that Rachel delivered May 18th at her home school graduation ceremony before graduates, family, and friends. Rachel has been home schooled since kindergarten. I was recently asked to share with you my ambitions and goals in life. To be honest, it has not been an easy task. To put into words and summarize what the Lord has deposited in my heart through experiences is not a simple thing to do. However, I will do my best. I decided that I would need to first give you a little background into the garden of my life where the roots of my goals and ambitions have come forth. There are two people that come to my mind who have had tremendous impact on my life: Mom and Dad - my precious parents. They have been the primary gardeners. They've been so faithful in being my teachers, my friends, and Godly examples. They have poured out their lives for my brothers and I, teaching us all they know about the Lord. They have prayed that we will hit the mark that He has set before us, hoping that we will go even farther than they in our walk with Him. Many of you are probably aware that my family and I have been actively involved in the ministry of saving unborn babies. We have given hope and alternatives to the mothers and fathers who have been caught up in the deceptive web of abortion. I can remember going to the local abortion clinic ever since I was a little girl. Even though I was young, I knew the importance of us being there - to be able to stand in the gap for the little ones - even lay my life down. Proverbs 24:11 says, "Recall those who are being unjustly sentenced to death, and those who are staggering towards slaughter, Oh, hold them back." That verse was instilled in me at a young age and will remain on my heart forever. Our family has traveled all around this nation for the past twelve years and has witnessed the horror of abortion. We have seen the lifeless bodies of the aborted babies who have been discarded; we have seen the broken men and women who have been hurt indescribably. I was there when they arrested my parents and others for being witnesses for the gospel of Christ. I have experienced prison myself. I have seen first hand what happens when a nation turns her back on a Holy God. Murder and rebellion is in the heart, and the blood of the innocent flows in our streets. (Hosea 4:2) Justice is far from her. Now, my brothers and I older and a new generation has begun. I am witnessing them being examples to their children in leading their little ones to the very gates of darkness. This is a goal that I will strive to teach my children as well. We have been taught that children are blessings - gift from the Creator of all life. That they are, "Arrows in the hand of a warrior, blessed if the man whose quiver is full of them." (Psalm 127) So many times throughout the years, people would come up to us saying, "It must be so dangerous to be out there." Yes, we were threatened by arrest and even by HRS coming to take us away from our parents because of their stand. And yes, it wasn't always easy. But, I'm here to tell you today that when the Lord calls you to serve Him and to go wherever He wants you to go, that there's no safer place to be - no matter where it is. As it says in the twenty-third Psalm, "In the midst of my enemies, You, oh Lord, prepare a banquet table for me." Can you believe it? When we're surrounded by our enemies, that is the very place where the Lord feeds us! I've felt His peace that passes all understanding when circumstances were impossible. I've seen His hand of deliverance when the enemy threatened to overtake us. I've experienced His provision when all hope seemed to be gone. With these experiences planted into the garden of my life by Almighty God, I know that with His help, I will not lose heart when I see the potentially frightening circumstances around me. But instead that I will have the courage to press on inspite of my enemies. As God's people, we must not turn back when we hear the raging battle. We must run toward the roar of the lion, using the spiritual weapons He has given to all of us through His Word and Spirit to advocate His kingdom. We can't be like the children of Ephraim who the Bible speaks of in Psalm 78 saying, "Though they were armed and carrying bows, yet they turned back in the day of battle." You see, they had the knowledge of who God was, yet they didn't serve Him. They saw the battle, yet they didn't fight. I have come to realize that to be effective in the Kingdom of God, one must really have to die to oneself As Paul says, we must "die daily". I have to admit though my flesh definitely does not want that to be one of my highlighted goals. In fact, it would be so nice to just forego that whole dying to self part. However, I know that I have been bought with a precious price - the blood of God's own son. As God's bride we are all called to be overcomers. We are to overcome fear, temptations and the one who was defeated at the Cross. The Father is looking for that pure and spotless bride to present to His Son on that wedding day. He has called us to be His ambassadors to this world. The only fear that we need is the fear of the Lord, for that's the beginning of wisdom. And my life is not my own, but is His. My goals have to be His goals - my ambitions have to be His ambitions. My main goal and prayer is that I will always be in the Lord's will. Since He's so faithful, I know that He'll correct me whenever I get off track because His love endures forever. And no matter how scary or impossible the situation may appear with my eyes, I know that the Ultimate Gardener will complete the good work that he has begun in me and in all of us who trust Him with our lives and futures. Thank you, Mom and Dad, the tenders and protectors of my garden- my life, for your examples of love and faithfulness to God. Thank you, my wonderful brothers (though at times they seemed like a trial) and my faithful friends for being my support as I stumble and grew - thank you for standing strong in Christ. Thank you, most of all, Lord Jesus for allowing me to be Yours and for being with me every step of the way as I press on toward the ultimate "goal" - of life everlasting with you. It is my prayer that The Father will someday say, "Well done, my good and faithful daughter, my beloved "
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