startling statistics are well beneath the radar of Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings,
and Dan Rather, but they should be greatly encouraging for those of us
standing for life. As you will see, the battle for the lives of little
baby boys and girls in their mother's wombs is being won as gentle Christians
are living out their faith in the streets of their cities. That's right!
During the administration of the most pro-abortion President our nation
has ever had, the number of abortions performed in America, the number
of abortion mills, the number of doctors performing abortions plummeted
Jefferson Clinton did everything in his power, but build an abortion mill
in the West Wing of the White House, to aid and abet the abortion industry.
Still, the numbers plummeted and they are plummeting today! How can this
is not a political issue. It is a Gospel issue. When gentle Christian
warriors allow their theology to become biography at the gates of hell,
the gates of hell cannot prevail. The heart of our nation toward the unborn
child is changing. The truth is getting out and the enemy does not have
enough fingers to put in the dyke to stop the hemorrhaging.
will come to an end in America when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up
her mind that it will come to an end, and not one second sooner!"
the Abortion Statistics are Saying: "Christians winning!"
- · Teen
pregnancy, birthrates, and abortions have declined each year since 1991.
(Center for Disease Control [CDC])
- · The
number of abortions performed in our nation is at its lowest level since
1976. (Alan
Guttmacher Institute [AGI])
- · The
number of abortions performed in our nation dropped by 17.6% between
1990 and 1997.
- · There
has been a 13% increase in those identifying themselves as pro-life
since 1995.
Poll, August 2001)
- · Teen
pregnancy rates have declined in all 50 states.
Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy' poll 2000)
- · The
number of abortionists killing children has declined almost 40% since
( LDI, 2001)
- · The
number of medical schools teaching the abortion procedure has dropped
57% since 1987. (AMA)
- · Abortionists
killing children are getting older (average age, 59).
The (American
Medical Association {AMA}.
- · 84%
of the counties in America have no killing center.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America [PPFA])
- · Support
for Roe v. Wade has plummeted 13% among entering college freshmen
since 1991.
(LA Times
poll, June 2000)
- · 51%
of the people in America now believe abortion to be murder - only 35%
don't. (Zogby
poll, Jan. 2001)
- · The
three individuals most instrumental in ushering in the Roe v. Wade
era are today, all professing, confessing, Christians - Norma McCorvey
(Jane Roe), Sandra Cano (Mary Doe), and Dr. Bernard Nathanson
(founder of NARAL).
- · Abortionists
are losing their licenses as medical boards discover their incompetence
and negligence.
- · The
abortion industry cover-up of the abortion/breast cancer link
is being exposed.
Joel Brind)
- · The
truth about hundreds of women who have died as a result of "safe,"
legal abortion is being made known. (Priests
for Life)
- · The
employee turnover rate in abortion facilities is incredibly high.
- · Sexual
perversion, alcoholism, drug abuse, divorce, suicide, depression, and
murder are ravaging those who work in the abortion industry.
Psychiatric Association [APA])
- · The
animosity and distrust between abortionists and their staff creates
a terrible work environment.
Dynamics Inc.)
the Abortion Industry is Saying: "We are losing!"
- "For five
consecutive years nationally, teen pregnancy, birth rates, and abortions
have declined."
Henry Foster, abortionist and President Clinton's National Advisor on
Teen Pregnancy, 1998)
- "This is
a crisis, it's increasingly impossible for women to get a service (abortion)
that's absolutely legal."
Dubois - US News and World Report, 1998)
- "Hate and
harassment clearly inhibit women from access to abortion. It is more
difficult now to get an abortion than it was five years ago."
Feldt of PPFA, 1997)
- "Abortion
opponents will achieve their goal without ever having to overturn Roe
v. Wade."
Michelman of NARAL, 1997)
- The
annual "March for Abortion" in Washington, D.C. on
April 22, 2001, had its lowest attendance ever, attracting only a few
hundred stalwarts. This despite the beautiful weather and that NOW,
PP, and NARAL spent three months recruiting at colleges..
- "The number
of abortions in this nation has dropped twenty-nine percent in the last
six years."
(Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former U.S. Surgeon General,
- "The anti-abortionists
are winning without really winning. They scare off the younger doctors."
Pendergraft, Abortionist - The Associated Press, 1998)
is when the heart of a nation changes that the laws of the land will reflect
that change.
the hearing of NOW vs. Scheidler/Operation Rescue, we saw for the
first time the hearts of the Supreme Court Justices, even those with great
philosophical and theological differences, turn toward gentle Christians
living out their faith in the streets. It was a miracle given to us by
God Himself. We are winning the battle in the streets and the laws of
our nation will soon begin to reflect that change.
humanity of the little child in the womb of his mother has become almost
impossible to deny, thanks to the bold witness of Christians who have
despised the shame and shown the truth in the streets of their cities.
is piercing and overcoming the darkness. We pray that these statistics
and statements will be an encouragement to you. The abortion industry
is in a downward death spiral. You will never see this on the national
media for it has no desire whatever to allow these facts to be known.
You, however, "are the light of the world
let your light
shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father
in heaven."