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HBO's "Soldiers in the Army of God"

April 24, 2001

The Arrest of James Kopp and HBO's "Soldiers in the Army of God"

By Flip Benham

The media will attempt to paint every Christian who loves life and lives out that belief in the streets of their city, as wild-eyed, lunatic fanatics bent on shooting abortionists and blowing up abortion mills. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nevertheless, James Kopp will be the abortion industry's trophy and the media's tool to brand all pro-lifers as violent. It doesn't matter whether Mr. Kopp is innocent or guilty. He is simply another human tool to be savaged by the abortion industry and its most willing dupe the media to promote the murderous lie called "choice."

Shortly after Mr. Kopp's apprehension, HBO aired "Soldiers in the Army of God" on Sunday, April Fool's day, to 'pile on' gentle Christians living out their faith at abortion mills. HBO interviewed Paul Hill, who premeditatedly murdered two people at an abortion mill in Pensacola, Florida. It allowed him to spew his heresy from jail as to why it is justifiable to kill abortionists. They also interviewed Michael Bray, who torched an abortion mill and wrote a book about killing abortionists. The two other main characters in this piece of yellow journalism were very strange, very dangerous, and unknown to those of us in the streets. More than likely they were media plants. They were portrayed as sincere lunatics who believed that God was calling them to shoot an abortionist or blow-up a mill - they were just waiting for the right time to do it. I was stunned!

We would never have allowed these people a platform from which to speak. Michael Bray and Paul Hill have become enemies of the cross of Christ! We have confronted them both personally in their error and their sin. They are Barabbas type insurrectionists and murderers. Both however, played well into the media's hands. They were played like a drum to paint, with a broad brush, every gentle Christian who lives out his faith at an abortion mill as a potential murderer. Just what HBO had in mind. All the while it painted those in the child killing industry as poor, innocent victims of Christian bigotry. The whole program was a lie and a sham.

The unholy union that exists between the abortion industry and the media has been a difficult giant for us to overcome. It uses the instrument of shame to move Christians off of the streets and back into the church house. Lawsuits, injunctions, imprisonments have not worked but this false propaganda has caused even our friends to turn against us. We must however, be like our Savior before us and despise the shame of the cross. He has called us to daily pick it up, and continue to storm the gates of hell. He will go with us.