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God is Exposing the Abortion Industry For the Liar It Is


God is Exposing the Abortion Industry For the Liar It Is 

It appears that God is everywhere exposing the abortion industry for the liar that it is. With Scott Peterson's alleged murder of his wife Lacy and the subsequent death of their pre-born son Conner, NOW has gone apoplectic. NOW is demanding that this child, Conner, not be considered a human being. That's right! If Conner is considered a human being under California law, what about all the other children "in utero" in California.

Today, we have a front page article in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, exposing abortionist Yogendra Shah for the liar he is. He is being charged with doing an abortion on a woman who wasn't even pregnant. If he has done it once, how many other times do you suppose he has done the very same thing. So much for abortionist Shah's concern for women! He is in it for the dollars and he doesn't care for anyone but himself.

Norma McCorvey was never raped by circus employees as she told her lawyers Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee. It was a lie, but the lady whose name was Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade, told the truth about her lie and jumped from being the poster child of the abortion industry right into the arms of Jesus.

Dr, Bernard Nathanson, the founder of NARAL, lied about the number of women killed by illegal abortion in America during the years preceding Roe. He said there were over 30,000 women who died as a result of illegal, back alley abortions. The truth is he could document only 39 deaths.

Mark Crutcher has exposed Planned Parenthood for the liar it is in bringing underage girls into its murder chambers, performing abortions on them, and never reporting them. Mark has, on tape, conversations with Planned Parenthood employees who encouraged a girl, whose voice sounded like she was a thirteen year old, to lie about her age.

Surprised? You shouldn't be. The devil was cast out of heaven and down to the earth and he is leading the whole world astray. He is a liar and when he lies he is simply acting according to his nature! - Flip

Regulatory board files complaint in Illinois abortion case
By Trisha L. Howard Post-Dispatch
updated: 05/01/2003 10:13 PM

An Illinois medical regulatory board has filed a formal complaint accusing a Granite City doctor of performing an abortion on a woman who did not have a viable pregnancy.

The complaint against Dr. Yogendra Shah was filed by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation on March 25, one day before the five-year statute of limitations on the case expired. The complaint alleges "gross negligence."

Melanie Mills, 29, of St. Charles County, alleges that Shah performed an abortion on her at the Hope Clinic for Women in Granite City on March 26, 1998, without confirming that she was pregnant.

Shah's lawyer, Mark Levy, declined Thursday to comment about the state's complaint, which could result in a reprimand or even suspension or revocation of Shah's medical license.

Mills filed a suit against Shah last year in circuit court in Madison County seeking more than $50,000 for physical and emotional damages she said she had suffered during the time she believed that she had undergone an abortion.

Mills said in an interview Thursday that she sought the procedure despite her anti-abortion stance because she was attending college at the time and raising two young sons with her husband.

After the procedure, she said, she suffered flashbacks, nightmares and severe depression.

Mills said she found out more than three years later from her gynecologist that the clinic's medical records showed she probably had a blighted ovum instead of a viable pregnancy at the time of her abortion. A blighted ovum is a fertilized egg that attaches to the uterine wall but does not develop further.

"I'd been going around for three years beating myself up for killing a baby," Mills said. "All these head trips I went through, for no good reason."

In an affidavit filed in the civil suit, Shah said he was told by Mills that she had tested positive on two pregnancy tests, one of them administered by another hospital.

Mills said Thursday that her doctor had given her a pregnancy test six days before she sought an abortion at the Hope Clinic. She tested positive at the time, she said.

In the affidavit, Shah said he confirmed the pregnancy on the day of the abortion by performing an ultrasound that showed Mills was about six weeks pregnant.

Later tests showed that Mills probably had a blighted ovum that aborted on its own, Shah said in the affidavit, and that she would have required the same procedure "to insure that the naturally occurring abortion was complete, clean and safe."

The civil case is pending.

Shah is scheduled to appear June 30 before the Professional Regulation Department's medical disciplinary board in Chicago. A hearing date will be set then. The director of the Professional Regulation Department will determine what punishment, if any, is warranted, based on a recommendation from the medical disciplinary board.

Reporter Trisha L. Howard:
E-mail: thoward@post-dispatch.com
Phone: 618-659-3640

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