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Where Do We Stand on Fundraising? - Flip Answers


 Where Do We Stand on Fundraising? - Flip Answers

Where does Operation Rescue/Operation Save America stand on fund-raising? Flip answers a man who sincerely wants to serve this ministry by helping us to fund-raise. This is Flip's response:

As far as raising funds are concerned - the best and only thing we will do is trust God. NOW and Planned Parenthood have attempted to bankrupt us on several occasions. They have failed at every turn!

They (NOW and Planned Parenthood) forget that our Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills - they can't bankrupt Him! When they came into the Operation Rescue offices in Dallas, Texas, in April of 1995 and took every piece of furniture, every computer, every pencil, ad infinitum, and sold it all at a humiliating public auction, we were not paralyzed with fear. We didn't give in to cynicism. We didn't put out a fund-raiser.

God was with us! And God is with us now! We are not worried. We will never give in to doing fund-raisers to support God's work here on earth! God is perfectly able to finance all of the work He wants done on this earth without our help. Ours is simply to trust Him and do the work (John 6:29).

We will never work in the red, borrowing money to finance God's work. We have promised before God never to move any further than His finances allow us to go. God never floated a loan, even during the construction of the ark or the temple, and He doesn't expect us to do it either.

No one has ever received a fund-raising letter from us to do the work of the kingdom. We have let our needs be made known at times - not often! And God's people have been gracious to meet every need. Our trust is in God. What can NOW do to Him?

The fury of the enemies of Christ over the NOW v. Scheidler (01-1118) and Operation Rescue v. NOW (01-1119) outcome at the Supreme Court last week is evidence that their time is short (Revelation 12:12). All of their money, all of their power, all of their political acumen and clout, has been brought to naught. In a backhanded way, their tongues are confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord. This certainly does not mean that they are surrendering their hearts to Christ and desire His forgiveness - it simply means that there is absolutely nothing they can do about the fact that Jesus Christ is Lord!