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Encouragement from Another Pro-Life Front


Encouragement from Another Pro-Life Front 

Hi Flip, I hope this goes directly to you....and if it doesn't then whom ever receives this not at OSA please forward it to my dear friend for me.

I just saw the OSA website tonight. I must admit, I am sorry I have not found it before. I certainly will pass this along to my LINK friends and contacts all over the US. I am sure they will find it very interesting and educational. Of course, they are all pro-life, and wishing to adopt or have adopted. Many of their children would have been aborted if not for their hearts and homes being opened to them. Just like my little five year old Taylor! Whose birthmother and father were discussing abortion before she was born. Flip, you have seen that child, what a blessing she is - Smart and beautiful. Growing with a strong Biblical foundation, and loves Jesus. But praise God her birthmother and father saw me on a local news cast speaking out about NC laws allowing advertising for abortions in our local newspapers, but not adoption ads to save the life of a child. (Which by the way, we just won that battle after 10 years of fighting....We now have adoption ads in the Charlotte newspaper....One of LINKs couples was the first to submit their ad, after a long battle with the paper to accept the ad, even after it became legal in NC to advertise for children to adopt).

My second reason for writing tonight is this Flip. I would love to have a link from your site to our site www.linkadoption.com, if that is possible? I know you know of our ministry, and stance against abortion. We fight the battle daily! I spend countless hours counseling on the phone, rescuing women like Marcie who has foot long screwdriver in hand, ready to risk her life if I don't pick her up and help her "get rid of the baby so she can go home to the boyfriend who tried to force her to abort early in her pregnancy, and she was to scared to". We (only with Gods help) have saved many babies from the hands of killers. God is good!

It gives me great joy to see the photos of these children flood my mail bin at David Drye Company each Christmas. As I open each envelope, it usually takes me minutes to look at each photo. I always ponder on where this child would be, and what kind of life he or she would have if God had not lead me to DDC, David and I had not prayed that prayer of salvation so many years ago with David. Then received the vision of LINK six years ago, and 300 babies since. God has certainly blessed me, my family and many others who walked through the doors of LINK and DDC.

Well, it is late and I must close. But not before saying a LOUD AMEN to all that I have read so far on your site!!! I shall enjoy this site often, and visit it weekly from now on. I realize tonight, that I am missing many news stories of interest and knowledge. Of course, we won't hear many of these stories on the local secular news now will we??? Well, I did watch one episode of Donahue recently....first one in 20 years or so. There were some interesting guests on his show for once. Frankly, they got the best of him....he was speechless. Something I have never seen happen to Donahue before. LOL

Thanks!!!! May God continue to bless your ministry and guide you as you touch the lives of so many.

In His Service,

Amy Miller
LINK Adoption