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Bush Decision: Not the Wisdom of Solomon

July 14, 2001

Bush Decision: Not the Wisdom of Solomon

We have heard a lot lately about how President George W. Bush's decision to allow federal funding for embryonic stem cell research was like the wisdom exercised by King Solomon. "It was the wisdom of Solomon to divide the baby in half, thereby pacifying both the pro-life and pro-abortion sides of the issue," said Gordon Robertson on the 700 Club news review. Gordon's father Pat was in hearty agreement.

Dr. James Dobson, Dr. Jerry Falwell, and several other strong evangelical leaders have also referred to President Bush's statement as being solomonic. It might surprise you to know that Patricia Ireland and several liberal newscasters are saying the same thing. Of course the liberal side is saying that he did not go far enough, but they are in agreement with their ideological and theological opposites that Mr. Bush exercised the wisdom of Solomon to solve a very sticky issue.

Friend and foe alike are in agreement that President George W. Bush "split the baby." And "split the baby" he did. He did what King Solomon never would have done. He killed the child! He did it with the hearty approval of many of the great evangelical leaders of our day. There was no justice administered this day.

The story about Solomon's wisdom is found in 1 Kings 3:16-28. Two prostitutes came before King Solomon each claiming that the child they brought before him was hers. They had both recently given birth to a child but during the night one of the prostitutes rolled over on her child and killed the baby. She exchanged her dead baby with the live baby of the other prostitute while she slept. When the other prostitute awoke, she found her baby dead but, upon close examination, she realized that the dead baby was not hers. No, her baby was alive in the arms of the other prostitute who had exchanged the children at night. There were no witnesses.

This was the dilemma brought before the King Solomon. How would he discern the truth and administer justice? He asked for his sword and proclaimed, "Cut the living child in two and give half to one and half to the other." The woman whose son was alive was filled with compassion for her son and asked that her son be spared and given to the prostitute who stole him. The other said, "Neither I nor you shall have him. Cut him in two!"

Upon hearing this testimony, Solomon, with wisdom that comes from God, administered justice and awarded the child to the rightful mother. His decision brought life. When all of Israel heard this they held the King in awe and realized that he had the wisdom from God to administer justice.

Can any God fearing Christian possibly believe that George W. Bush exercised the wisdom of King Solomon when he made the decision to federally fund the research on 60 lines of embryonic stem cells? These children were killed and need to be buried, not cannibalized. Instead of bringing our nation to repentance over the killing of children (frozen embryos) and issuing an Executive Order to stop all (private as well as government funded) embryonic stem cell research, our President chose the politically expedient track - he really did cut the baby in two.

He gave half of the dead child to the prostitute (pro-choice) who has murdered more people than Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin put together. She gleefully accepted the sacrifice but demands even more. Lust for blood is what drives her, and her lust for blood will never be satisfied. She is all for cutting the child two! She is of her father the devil who has come to rob, kill and destroy.

He gave half of the dead child to the other prostitute (pro-life) who rightfully proclaims the sanctity of life. She is the one filled with compassion for the child, yet has continued to settle for the dead carcasses of children because she is afraid to act justly and stand fast on the Word of God. The art of compromise and political appeasement is what drives her. She is a professing Christian but a functional atheist!

George W. Bush really did "split the baby in two" and both prostitutes (pro-life and pro-choice) seem ecstatic about his solomonic wisdom. The child, however, is dead! He has been cut in two for political gain. In attempting to be loyal to both sides of this issue, the President of the United States of America has denied his Lord and the children, whose lives he says are sacred. This is not, nor will it ever be, the wisdom of Solomon.

Flip Benham