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William Jefferson Clinton - A Judgment from God upon this Nation! - George W. Bush - A Judgment from God upon His Church! By Flip Benham As William Jefferson Clinton was a sign and a judgment from God upon our nation, showing us the moral depths to which we had fallen, so George W. Bush has become a sign and a judgment from God upon the Church of Jesus Christ, demonstrating her unwillingness to stand upon the Word of God and proclaim the Name of Jesus. Mr. Clinton called himself a Christian, but it became apparent from the very beginning that the apostate church he attended and life-style he lived was far removed from orthodox Christianity. Mr. Clinton taught us that character meant nothing, and that lying, cheating, adultery, stealing, ad nauseam, were fine so long as it kept him in office. The ends justified the means for Mr. Clinton and, as we were later to find out with Enron, Martha Stewart, etc., it reflected the way business was run in America. The Clinton Administration painted a very graphic and ugly picture of what America had become. It was a sign and judgment from God of how far we had fallen. Abortion, homosexuality, and Islam were all given a pass during the Clinton years, or worse, were aided by a President who never found an abortion he didn't like. Remember, He prayed about the partial-birth abortion ban before he vetoed it. I wonder exactly to whom he prayed? From failure to deal with global Islamic terrorism, to opening the doors of our nation to the radical homosexual agenda, the Clinton Administration was a mirror of what we had become as a nation. Many of us believed that the Bush Administration would be the remedy for all that was wrong with the Clintons, but we were wrong! We expected way too much from a young Christian man who only reflects the teaching of a morally weak, self-absorbed Church, closeted in today's cesspool of the culture. By and large, we are afraid to stand upon the Word of God because it seems so intolerant and judgmental. God is showing us through the Bush Administration, what we have become as His Church. It is not a pretty sight. I believe President Bush is a Christian - an evangelical, "born-again" Christian! He has confessed what Christ has done to deliver him from alcoholism and the moral depravity that continues to enslave Mr. Clinton to this day. To President Bush, character does mean something. Lying, cheating, adultery, and stealing will not be tolerated in his Administration. He is a new man because Jesus made him new! I do not doubt his Christian confession. I do not doubt the new moral tenor he has brought to the White House. He does not, however, have a strong biblical worldview, nor does he have the theological grit to fight the battles that are destroying us as a nation. He is a baby Christian, and those surrounding him are not spiritual giants. Political pragmatists like Rove, Powell, and Fleischer will never advise him to stand alone upon the Word of God. This administration has never found a "compromise" or a bipartisan, "reaching across the aisle" that it did not like. The same is true with today's Church. We have learned to live side by side with the murderous lie of abortion - just sponsor a crisis pregnancy center and vote Republican. We have stood silently by while homosexual sin moves into the classroom, stealing the hearts of our kids - don't want to appear homophobic or intolerant. The false and demonic lie of Islam has grown in stature in our nation to the point where it is on the same level as Christianity. Yet nary a discouraging word is heard from God's silent, frightened Church. The Bush White House has been given as a sign and a judgment from God upon the Church of Jesus Christ. It portrays just exactly what we "born-again" Christians have become. We are more than willing to sacrifice the Word of God on the altar of "compromise" in order to keep our personal peace and Republicans in office. Remember, ABC -"anything is better than Clinton?" Even though we hold to the high moral standards presented in the Bible, and are covered by the blood of the Lamb, we will not stand unashamedly on the Word of God. We will not stand by the fact that Jesus is the standard by which all other laws, religions, and lifestyles are to be measured. This White House, and those of us in God's Church, have not found His Name politically expedient. We prefer cowardice to courage. It easier to apologize for being judgmental than it is to stand on the inerrant truth of God's Word with no apology. We prefer comfort to conflict. Why confront the abortionist in his murder, the homosexual in his sin, and Islam in its lie, when it might mess up our own personal peace? We prefer compromise to conquest. It is easier to find the middle ground through appeasement than to stand forthrightly against the lie, and crush it. Jerry Thacker is a case in point. He was one of seven new nominees asked by President Bush to serve on the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. Last week, Thacker removed his name from consideration because the homosexual lobby, the media, and the White House pressured him. It appears that our President and his staff did not have the courage to stand in the face of the ad hominem attack by homosexual community. Thacker and God's Word were sacrificed on the altar of political compromise to appease the radical homosexual agenda. Mr. Thacker is a Christian who believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. He believes that it sets the absolute standard upon which everything else must be judged. For this heinous crime, the homosexual community and the media branded him a bigoted homophobe, whose views must be censored at all costs. Even the White House joined in. Unfortunately for those of us who claim Christ as Savior, and the Bible to be our standard, we find ourselves drawing the increasing ire of the Bush Administration. We are looked upon as an impediment to his reelection. We are portrayed as radical, right wing, fruitcakes on a par with the Taliban. We have become a liability to the Bush Administration, and it shows. Since the Bible is viewed as "politically incorrect" by those enamored with the killing of little babies in the womb, our President stated, while running for his present office, that, "Roe v. Wade is the law of the land." This was done to mollify the "politically correct" child killers. He didn't want to alienate those on the other side of the aisle. He wanted to win an election! Remember that our President lays claim to Christianity. But Roe v. Wade does not reflect the law of God. It reflects the law of those who think they are god! So Mr. Bush had a choice - serve God and lose the Presidency or, compromise God's principles (politically correct) and win the Presidency. It was God or the Presidency for Mr. Bush, and he chose the Presidency. Like biblical Lot (Genesis 19) before him, this President is now vexed by the decisions he has to make because he finds himself beholden to the "politically correct" and forced to compromise God's Word. This often comes at the expense of those Christians like Mr. Thacker who, unlike their President, have chosen to serve King Jesus no matter the cost! Another case in point, President Bush sent Solicitor General, Theodore Olsen to the Supreme Court this past December, to testify on behalf of NOW (National Organization for Women) in the NOW v. Scheidler case. NOW v. Scheidler is a blatant attempt to censor the Gospel of Christ in the streets. NOW has been attempting for 16 years to remove the Christian witness from outside abortion mills and our President has now joined hands with this enemy of Christ. NOW has been using the courts of this land to rule that gentle Christians living out their faith in the streets are racketeers. That's right! Christian moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, and their children, who are offering women a real choice outside of abortion mills, are being attacked by NOW in the Supreme Court. All of this with the full approval and support of the President of the United States of America. God help us! We were initially shocked by the President tossing his "fellow Christians" to the lions of NOW! Why would he side with NOW? Upon further reflection, however, it fits the pattern. The President has still retained the staunch support of the National Right to Life. That is the sumum bonum for this Administration - win the next election. Therefore, you throw the principled and "politically incorrect" Christian activists to the lions, but keep those "politically correct" safely in the fold. The National Right to Life has become the lap dog for Mr. Bush's political aspirations. In so doing, it has become an enemy of the cross of Christ! So has our President. Since the Bible is viewed as "politically incorrect" by those who believe that Islam and all other religions are virtually the same, Christians who would dare quote Jesus, " I am the way and the truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me," (John 14:6) are hung out to dry. The "politically correct" White House Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer, and conservative talk show host, Rush Limbaugh have both publicly excoriated pastors Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Franklin Graham for having the nerve to say that Islam is a lie birthed in the very pit of hell. Making a "politically incorrect" statement as Jesus did, is not conducive to coalition building or unity, and is certainly not expedient for winning political campaigns. I'm certain that Mr. Fleischer and Mr. Limbaugh would have "colorful" words for Jesus' intolerant statement. The Bush White House wants this kind of talk silenced, and silenced quickly! Mr. Bush prefers to call Islam "a great religion" not alienating the Muslim hordes. Principle (the Word of God) is, once again, pushed aside by political pragmatism and compromise. Since the Bible is viewed as "politically incorrect" by those pressing the radical homosexual agenda, the White House has opened its doors wide to be tolerant and "politically correct" to those who practice sodomy and are proud of it. Congressman Jim Kolbe of Arizona, a blatant and outspoken homosexual, was given a very prominent speaking role in the Republican National Convention. Former Massachusetts Gov. Paul Cellucci, a militant advocate of homosexual rights, was appointed as U.S. Ambassador to Canada by President Bush. President Bush named Scott Evertz, a radical homosexual activist, to head the White House AIDS Office. Evertz has no experience dealing with public health issues. Donald Cappoccia, another radical homosexual activist and friend of Evertz, was appointed to the U.S. Commission on Fine Arts. Secretary of State Colin Powell swore in as U.S. Ambassador to Romania openly homosexual Foreign Service officer Michael Guest. Powell recognized Mr. Guest's "homosexual partner" of six years, Alex Nevarez, who was on stage for the ceremony and is presently living with the ambassador in the official U.S. residence in Bucharest. Yet Jerry Thacker, the Christian, whose entire family contracted HIV/AIDS as a result of a blood transfusion given to his wife in 1984, has been removed from the selection process to sit on the President's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. He wasn't quietly removed either; he was bludgeoned and maligned publicly by White House press secretary, Ari Fleischer. Why? "The views that he (Thacker) holds are far, far removed from what the President believes." Fleischer said. "The President's view is that people with AIDS need to be treated with care and compassion." When asked if President Bush thought AIDS was a "gay plague," Fleischer responded, "Those words are as wrong as they are inappropriate." They were also words that Mr. Thacker never spoke. What was Mr. Thacker's crime? He called AIDS a plague - not a "gay plague" as many homosexual hit-men in the media tried to portray. He called perverse sexual acts practiced by homosexuals a "deathstyle" rather than a "lifestyle." He described homosexuality as a condition that can be cured by Christianity. During one of his lecture topics covering premarital abstinence for teens, he said, "For the unmarried, the only truly 'safe sex' is not to have sex." Mr. Thacker's crime was, and is, that he is a Christian. Carl Schmid, a Republican homosexual who worked on the Bush campaign in 2000, said, "It's good to have differences on the President's Advisory Council, but Thacker is way out of the mainstream. He has made anti-gay statements and appears to be yet another abstinence-only advocate." Yes Mr. Schmid, one is free to have differences so long as he does not come into conflict with the lies (abortion, homosexuality, and Islam) that are savaging this nation. One is free to have differences so long as he does not lift up the Name of Jesus in the public square. One is free to have differences so long as he does not expose anybody else's sin. One is free to have differences so long as he does not judge one thing to be right and another to be wrong. One is free to have differences so long as he keeps his Christianity in the church building and prays in his private prayer closet. For the Christian this is not freedom. It is slavery! Slavery to the "politically correct" lie that says, "Have it your way. You determine for yourself what is right and what is wrong. You become your own god!" We Christians in America will not submit to this yoke of slavery, though it cost us all we have. Abortion is murder, Homosexuality is sin, Islam is a lie. These are three different colored gloves covering the same fist. It is the fist of the devil. He is a murderer, and so is each one of these. Jesus is the only One who can set the captive free from the guilt of abortion, the bondage of homosexuality, and the lie of Islam. So this is it, as far as the Bush White House is concerned. Character assassination or worse is in store for those holding to the absolute tenets found in the Bible. One can shout the marvels of child-killing from the housetops. This is ok and won't get you a stinging rebuke from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Talk all you want about the peaceful sweetness of that "great religion" Islam. You might even find yourself invited to the White House to celebrate the beginning of Ramadan. Speak about the blessed benefits of homosexuality and its liberating effects on society and you may find yourself on the President's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. Speak about the "politically incorrect" truth of God's Word, however, and you will find yourself looking for a lawyer to bail you out of jail for hate speech. Yes, abortion, homosexuality, and Islam have all found a safe haven in the Bush White House. The reason? They had long before found safe haven from the piercing light of God's Word in His Church. The light of His Word has been hidden safely under a bushel. Afraid to let the Lion of Judah out of His cage, the Church has been pushed into absolute irrelevance and enemies of the Gospel of Christ rule over her. Tolerating these enemies in the Church has led to tolerating them in our nation. But there is still One who stands outside the door of His Church, and the Oval Office, and knocks (Revelation 3:20). Do you hear Him? The hound of heaven is very persistent. His Name is Jesus. Our President has called Him a friend on many occasions, though he has not mentioned His Name once, publicly since September 11, 2001. The One who knocks is gentle and will not force His way in. He must be invited. Once He is invited in, however, all the others must go!
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