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Want Me!" "Mommy, I'm so excited to be here inside of you because soon I will be in your arms. You will be able to hold me, caress me, and love me and I will be there to make you smile. Oh, won't that be wonderful! I am eager for that day to arrive when you will take me to yourself and Daddy and I will be your little girl. Aren't you excited? Why, Mommy, where is your smile? Aren't you happy that I'm here inside of you waiting to be born? You look so sad. Is something wrong? It makes me sad to see you frowning. What? You don't want me? But I love you and I want to be with you forever! Say you will love me! You don't want me, do you? My heart aches to hear you cry. Get rid of me? But you can't. I'm your little girl. I could live with you not wanting me but please keep me, Mommy! Oh please Mommy, keep me! But you are decided. I can tell. Well, I will miss you so very desperately, Mommy." "I won't be there to watch the sun set with you or color in that book you bought for me. I won't be able to tie my shoes or get chocolate on my face because I won't be there. I won't be there when I was supposed to have my sixteenth birthday and learn to drive. The man I was suppose to marry will marry someone else because you don't want me. The family that I was suppose to raise won't have me there to raise them and someone else will have to do it. That little child who has cancer will die because I won't be there to discover that one ingredient that would have created the cure. Well, don't forget me, Mommy. I won't forget you. I love you, Mommy." Life exists in the heartbeat of every unwanted child aborted worldwide. The question has been asked for decades now: "Is it a fetus, a clump of tissue, and enlarged blood vessel, or a child?" "A fetus is a member of the biological species homo sapiens (i.e., a human being). To destroy a human being deliberately is unethical (it's murder). Therefore, abortion is unethical (murder), since it constitutes the deliberate destruction of a human being."1 In other words: A fetus is a human. To kill a human is murder. To kill a fetus is to kill a human. Therefore, to kill a fetus is murder! So, when does a human really become a human?
7 week old fetus (all but last picture originally provided by AbortionNo.org/presently by Abortiontv.com)
Doctors have proven that an unborn child's heart begins to beat between the eighteenth and the twenty-fifth day and brain waves are detected as soon as forty days after conception. A baby can survive out of the womb at twenty weeks during the accepted minimum. However, this time will be reduced as medical technology continues to improve.2 Can you really say that an unborn child is not a child at even eighteen days old when their heart is already beating and their body is already forming to look like our own? Rev. Philip Benham is the founder of Operation Save America (OSA), was influential in converting Ms. McCorvey (Roe in Roe vs. Wade), baptized Ms. McCorvey, and is a strong voice for unborn children. Rev. Benham said to me, "Marissa, one third of your entire generation is dead because of abortion."3 I don't think we realize how provocative abortion really is and how many lives it has stolen.
"But what about overpopulation? Shouldn't we be concerned about that?" This is a commonly asked argument of the pro-abortion activists. First UU Church of Austin's pastor, Davidson Loehr, said, " Breeding is not a high calling for our species, and hasn't been a high calling for centuries. We don't need more people; we need better people. There are too many people in the world, and it is immoral to increase their quantity at the expense of increasing their quality."4 His concern was with increasing quality in our already existing people instead of increasing the quantity of numbers. Statistics actually show that our population has decreased instead of increased. Government Census tells us, "True, the population of the world is growing, but population is not much of a problem in the United States. With a birth every 8 seconds and a death every 11 seconds, the U.S. population is growing at less than one percent per year.5 Population growth or decline compares replacement of the current number of reproductive age individuals with the number of babies being born. By this measure, the United States is now in a sharp population decline."6 For years people have been worried about the world having too many people. The above statistics tell me that America alone could be in trouble eventually because the mortality rate of unborn children is extremely high.
Before we go on, I want to quickly look at what abortion is and does to an unborn child. One compilation of quotes from doctors, Newsweek, and other sources put together on a website says,7 "Abortion ends a pregnancy by destroying and removing the developing child. That baby's heart has already begun to beat by the time the mother misses her period and begins to wonder if she might be pregnant (about 31 days after the mother's last menstrual period or LMP).8 Surgical abortions are usually not performed before seven weeks, or 49 days LMP.9 By that time, the baby has identifiable arms and legs (day 45)10 and displays measurable brain waves (about 40 days).11 During the seventh through the tenth weeks, when the majority of abortions are performed,12 fingers and genitals appear and the child's face is recognizably human."13 Abortion steals the life away from an unborn child and causes pain for everyone involved.
Startling world statistics are as follows: "The Alan Guttmacher Institute reports approximately 22 million legal abortions were reported in 1987. It is estimated that between four and nine million were not reported, totaling of 26-31 million legal abortions in 1987 alone. There were a total of 10-22 million "clandestine" abortions, bringing the total worldwide figure to 36 and 53 million abortions."14 But is abortion just a political issue or is it a political issue at all? So many times we think we are helping save unborn children by electing Republicans into Congress. Rev. Philip Benham brought up an interesting and true thought: "The gates of hell will prevail against Congress and the Republican Party. The gates of hell will NOT prevail against the church."15 It is the church's responsibility to be the "voices of children who have no voice at all unless we give them one."16 We must take responsibility as a Church to be verbal about our stand on abortion! Our society believes that just by wearing a pro-life T-shirt or holding signs on the sidewalk they will save lives. Yes, it speaks out but is it loud enough to make a difference?
What does abortion mean for a child? What is the child's perspective of this murderous attack on human life? Amy Charlton is a survivor of abortion. Her mother attempted three times to abort her by saline injections but all three failed. She said, "My mother had no right to try and abort me, no matter what the circumstances were, no matter how inconvenient her pregnancy. And if she was here with us today, I'm sure she would agree. Life is too precious to simply throw away. Now I can speak out against abortion from the baby's perspective. Any baby would choose life."17 Gianna Jessen, another survivor of abortion said, "I am happy to be alive Every day I thank God for life. I do not consider myself a by-product of conception, a clump of tissue, or any other of the titles given to a child in the womb."18 If these two ladies are worthless accidents, then why are they thriving, happy human beings now? Their lives are testimonies of the millions of children who have lost their precious lives from abortion. Unborn children, as Amy and Gianna have said, have a desire to live life to the fullest! If it comes down to a matter of wants, the baby wants life. Many have tried to disprove that an unborn baby is, in fact, human. Pro-abortionists claim that a child does not experience any form of emotion or pain so, therefore, they must not be human. So, do unborn children really feel pain? In a speech made by Ronald Reagan during his Presidency, he stated that unborn children could feel pain. A great argument ensued and doctors were consulted, tests run, and the final result was stated by Doctor JC Willke (an early Right to Life leader): "Mr. President, in drawing attention to the capability of the human fetus to feel pain, you stand on firmly established ground."19 A popular anti-abortion argument is an ultrasound movie called The Silent Scream. "A Realtime ultrasound video tape and movie of a 12- week suction abortion is commercially available as, The Silent Scream, narrated by Dr. B. Nathanson, a former abortionist. It dramatically, but factually, shows the pre-born baby dodging the suction instrument time after time, while its heartbeat doubles in rate. When finally caught, its body being dismembered, the baby's mouth clearly opens wide - hence, the title (available from Heritage House '76 at http:www.heritagehouse76.com)."20 The Silent Scream shows the unborn child's desire to live and not be taken captive from its place of refuge within the womb. How can murdering innocent unborn children be justified as it is? If the fetus in its first, second, or third trimester is not wanted, they can be aborted. But what happens if a mother decides she does not 'want' her two-year-old toddler who is experiencing the 'terribles'? Does she have the right to kill her child? What about a sixteen year-old-who is driving her crazy because he/she pesters her about driving? Does she have the right to kill her child? Does she have the right to murder her invalid mother whom she has to watch after all this time or her blind father who is quickly aging and becoming a 'nuisance'? The law states that to kill is a criminal act and yet millions of children are murdered every day, week, month and year just because they are 'not wanted'. But does it make it right? "The U.S. Supreme Court and the governments in many other nations have, for the first time in modern history, granted to one citizen (the mother) the absolute legal right to kill another, if that first person does not want them! Think of the logic of the inevitable extension of such a freedom to kill. We could solve poverty by killing unwanted poor people, or religious or political groups, or those too old, too burdensome, and on and on . . ."21 Do you know, dear mother of that child, what will happen to her? Do you know the gruesome murder that you and that masked nurse will be committing? You won't see what goes on behind that curtain because they won't let you and for good reason. If you saw it, you would want to do the same to yourself. Let's look at some women who have had abortions in the past and what they have to say about abortion now. (The names have been changed.) "I thought this was "tissue". I pushed a nurse out of the way and there I saw my precious baby boy in pieces. There were body parts just tossed in a beaker. They quickly hid the evidence from me and sent me to recovery. The room had a few other girls and we were all in the fetal position, weeping." - Shelly "The doctor got up and left and the nurses cleaned me up as I screamed and cried. I sat up because I needed to throw up, the nurses quickly pushed me back down, but not before I saw the pieces of my poor baby in a clear plastic jar. I lost it. ---- I tell everyone now not to have an abortion because it will ruin their life. I can't go an hour without crying and thinking about the baby I killed. I would do anything to take back that day, anything to have my baby inside of me growing, but I can't." - Amber "When the baby came the insensitive nurse said It's a girl! like it was a normal delivery and it was a happy occasion but all I could do was cry, after that I was taken into another room where the doctor removed the after birth and checked me for missing body parts from the baby and there was so much blood I thought I was gonna die right there. Then they put the baby in a jar and left her in the bathroom on the edge of the shower for me to see. PLEASE if you are considering having an abortion rethink it PLEASE it has been 13 yrs and I still have vivid memories of this horrible day." - Jaquilyn "Please think about it, your child is begging you with every beat of its heart to give it a chance." - Ruth22
These are just a few of the many, many testimonies of mothers who now live with nightmares and broken lives because of their decision to abort their children. As they now see, there could have been happy, carefree children resting in their arms, patting their face, and calling them "Mommy". These children that have been aborted over the past few decades have been placed safely in the arms of Almighty God. Just think, heaven is overrun with babies!! Did God care for these little ones? How do we know that His compassion extended to these children directly? We can see it in His face shining with a brilliant smile, His hands lifting a small child to His shoulders, His eyes radiating the love of the Father as these children looked up into that love. Jesus' love for children drew them to Him as He told fascinating stories. I can just imagine Jesus laughing and tumbling with round-faced, dark-haired, and dark-eyed boys and girls, tousling their bushy locks, and thanking God for each smile that they shone up into His face. He couldn't help but have them around. He didn't mind them pulling his beard as He preached or giggling during one of His sermons. I can just imagine when the children called His name He was filled with a keen sense of compassion for them. Many times in the New Testament, Jesus is rebuked for allowing children on His knee but over and over again He rebuked them in return saying that "the Kingdom of Heaven belonged" to them. He protected the children from His proverbial pulpit! God had a plan for children. In Psalm 127:3-5, the writer states, "Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward." God gave woman the distinct ability to bear children and He calls it a gift and a reward! Why would anyone throw away such a beautiful gift? But just to show how God so loves the little ones, He says in Psalm 27:10, "For my mother and father have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me up." Many children rest in the vast arms of a loving Father who gives them the love that their earthly mother and father forfeit. Many other Bible references address children and God's regard towards them. (Genesis 33:5; 48:9; Isaiah 8:18; Psalm 103:13; 113:9; Proverbs 17:6; 22:6; 23:13; 31:28; Matthew 18:1-6; 19:13-15; 21:15-16; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 12:54; Romans 8:16-17; Ephesians 6:1; 1 John 2:1.) As in our society today, there were children who greatly changed the world for the better. Samuel, as a young boy, was highly loved by God. Samuel even slept in the Holy of Holies as a child. (1 Samuel 3:3b) He was called by God to anoint David as king of Israel. Many times Samuel followed God's will into certain situations and greatly altered them for the better. Our history was affected by his godliness. David was another child that was influential in doing great things for God. He killed Goliath and freed Israel from their control. God blessed David because of David's willingness to follow Him. Jesus is one child that affected the world more than any other. Mary could have easily aborted Jesus since she was not married to Joseph and in her day she would have been stoned for being pregnant. But she knew that the child she carried was a precious Gift from God. He saved the entire world from death, sin, and the grave because Mary chose life and because it was God's plan for Jesus to live! It is God's plan that all His creation live! Without these, and many other influential people, our history would have been very different. Just as in biblical times, children are important even today. The children in their mother's wombs could be the one who discovers a cure for cancer, the next president of the United States who will lead the nation towards God, the commander of a battalion of soldiers that will free a nation from certain slavery and torment! Every child has a purpose despite common societal thinking. Each heartbeat is a gift from the Creator Himself. So, do mothers have a choice? Yes, mothers have a choice. They can choose life and hold a gleaming child in their arms or they can choose death and face regret for all time. It is a choice. The problem is that abortion seems to be a cover up for another sin - having pre-marital sex. Of all the stories that I have heard, not one of the mothers who had an abortion was married! They were all living with a boyfriend or involved in a one-night stand. Save sex for marriage - Save children from death! "Mommy, I'm so happy to be here in side of you. You have made a wise decision in letting me live and I am so thankful. Oh! I think it is time to see you! Because you love me, I will get to see your face very soon and feel you holding me in your arms! We will be so happy together because you chose to let me live! I love you Mommy. Are you ready for a wonderful adventure? Here I come!"
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