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November 16,2001 The Abortion Industry and Terrorism - Will the real Terrorist Please Stand Up? Rarely in America have there been organizations willing to exploit the tragic events of September 11, 2001, for their own gain. Rarely that is, until one examines the pathetic behavior of Planned Parenthood and the "self-absorbed" abortion industry. This multi-million dollar, murder for hire business, has attempted to liken its plight to that of post 9-11 America - besieged by terrorists from within and without. Religious terrorists at that! In radio and television interviews, advertisements in magazines and newspapers, there has been an all out media blitz by the abortion industry to paint gentle Christians who oppose abortion, as murderers and terrorists in the order of Osama Bin Laden. What a preposterous lie! Unfortunately, a lie, if told often enough, will be believed. This libelous campaign began with a gentle whisper, "America is now experiencing the same kind of religious terrorism that abortion providers have endured for over a quarter of a century while providing health care for women." (read, murdering American boys and girls). The campaign then moved to a shout as the abortion industry put out press releases to anyone who would listen that its "providers" had received anthrax threats around the country. Of course, it was assumed that these threats came via Christians who love Jesus and His preborn children. None of this was corroborated however, but what difference does that make when one has a willing media to get the lie out! Adolf Hitler understood this principle well. Finally, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC), took out an advertisement in several major newspapers on November 15, 2001, entitled Bombs, Bullets, and Anthrax: "Like other extremists who cloak themselves in religion, anti-abortion zealots are certain God wants them to terrorize and even kill for their beliefs." I was appalled as I read this incredible and libelous lie! The lies continued as the advertisement listed anthrax threats, assaults, arsons, bombings, death threats, kidnappings, etc. All of it laid at the feet of Christians who oppose the killing of children. RCRC then took a quote I made in our press release issued September 11, 2001, right out of context and used it for their advertisement. They didn't even ask. These poor, misguided individuals have no earthly idea how the abortion industry is using them as a cover-up for its murderous ways. The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is a group of apostate pastors who have rejected God and His Commandments and become gods in their own eyes. This group meets us in almost every city as we bring the Gospel of Christ to local abortion mills. It represents various clergy dug up from the pit of hell by the abortion industry to illustrate the religious positives for killing little baby boys and girls. The tie that binds this group together is abortion. It is composed of men and women who wear their collars backward (their theology is just as backward), claiming the Name of Christ (most of them) yet spurning His Commandments. They are a pack of ravenous wolves whose god is their belly. They care neither about our Lord's flock, nor His precious little lambs (baby boys and girls). False and lying prophets such as these must be confronted in their sin and exposed for who they really serve. Our nation is in far more peril from these enemies than from the terrorists in the East. Yes, 3,800 little baby boys and girls are being terrorized, tortured, and murdered every day in America by those who would have you believe that they are the ones being terrorized. These terrorists don't knock at the door of the mother's womb - they barge in and begin ripping off arms and legs of defenseless children. When we show them the horrible carnage of what they do, they simply call it a "product of conception" and tell us that we are the ones terrorizing them by holding pictures of aborted children. This self-promotional campaign would be better called the victimization of the abortion industry. It portrays itself as a modern day hero suffering through the day to day terroristic threats and acts of violent Christians in its efforts to provide women health care (read, kill children). What it really fears, however, is that these Christians will be allowed to remain in the streets offering mothers a real choice at abortion mills. Yes, the entire industry is crumbling and it knows it. Abortions are at their lowest level since 1976. New doctors are not entering into the abortion industry. There are 675 fewer abortion mills today than there were in 1991. The battle for the lives of children is being won as gentle Christians live out their faith at abortion mills. This is what it wants to stop at all costs. When one loses an argument morally, scientifically, and theologically he can resort to one other ruse to win - argument ad hominem (name-calling). Thus we have the abortion industry's latest campaign to vilify Christians as terrorists. The abortion industry is doing all that it can, with the dog licking support of the media, to remove the focus from itself and the horrific terrorism it perpetrates upon innocent children in the womb, and place it upon Christians. This is accomplished by finding groups like the RCRC to call gentle Christians names - "terrorist, extremist, religious fundamentalist, arsonist, kidnapper," ad nauseam. Like Bill Clinton, who blamed Ken Starr for all of his troubles with " that woman Ms. Lewinsky." The abortion industry is deflecting blame from the true terror of its murderous ways by vilifying those who would dare to expose the truth of what it does to children and their families. Yes, the battle for the lives of unborn children is being won as gentle Christians live out their faith in the streets of their cities. One by one, abortion mills are closing. One by one abortion industry employees are giving their hearts to Christ. One by one, mothers are choosing life for their children. Jesus is bigger than the abortion industry and He is the one it should fear! Flip Benham
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