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May 26, 2001 Republican or Christian - Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve! By Flip Benham George W. Bush is proving again the pattern the Republican Party already established when it won the House and Senate in the 1994 congressional elections. You remember the Contract with America? The Party displayed lots of chutzpah when it came to fiscal policy but proved to have the spine of a banana when it came to the moral issues of our day. Our Republican Congressmen in '94 told us to wait and trust them. They assured us that they would deal with the moral issues like abortion, the radical homosexual agenda, the failed education system, the family, et cetera, as soon as they accomplished their fiscal Contract. As a matter of fact, we were told to "Shut up!" about the moral issues because we were endangering their work on the Contract with America. We trusted them. We closed our mouths, and they failed us. They failed our Lord, His children, and our nation miserably! They continued to fail us all the way through the impeachment and ultimate acquittal of a President whom they should have removed from office. "Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent - the Lord detests them both." Proverbs 17:15. George W. Bush has been strongly conservative on his economic policies. He has fought hard for a tax cut. He is fighting well to establish a coherent energy policy. But he is failing miserably when it comes to taking on those issues for which the world and the devil are contending. The Republican swoosh "big tent" does not have the spiritual or political will to stand against the devil and his murderous ideologues on the moral issues of the day. The Democrats march in lockstep for his policies. They will fight to the death for them because they are of their master, the devil. For the Republicans to attempt to fight this battle with anything other than the Word of God is utter foolishness. Republican and Conservative attempts to make bipartisan compromises with this enemy to appease him is exactly what Neville Chamberlain tried to do in appeasing Adolf Hitler. It won't work. How the devil must laugh - been there, done that! Look at what ground our President has given to the enemy. President Bush's Chief of Staff recently announced that abortion was not a priority for this Republican President. I wonder if abortion is a priority in God's Kingdom? Alan Keyes, a spokesperson for the pre-born, was not even allowed to speak at the Republican National Convention. Though Mr. Bush did reinstate the Mexico City Policy, he left four other Clinton executive orders in place: (1) U.S. groups to use tax dollars to support abortion; (2) using federal tax dollars for fetal tissue research; (3) distribution of RU-486; and (4) overseas military hospitals to perform abortions. A man after God's heart, one who puts principle above politics, would and should have overturned them all! President Bush has opened the doors of our nation's highest office to those committed to the radical homosexual agenda. He has left Mr. Clinton's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy in place in the United States Military. He has appointed radical homosexual activists to important government posts: Scott Evertz, Director, Office of National Aids Policy; Stephen Herbits, assistant to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfield; and Paul Celucci, Ambassador to Canada, who supervised a sex education program that teaches 14-year-old children how to perform homosexual acts. President Bush has been strongly conservative in the financial matters of our nation but he is failing miserably in the moral issues. He cannot take a stand on God's Word for if he does, all hell will break lose! He is a good man. He is a born-again Christian. We do pray for him. But it is time for him and us to see this battle for what it really is - a battle between two seeds. It is a battle over who is Lord and whose laws reign. Republicans aren't equipped to fight this battle, but the Democrats are. The Democrats have refused to love God's truth and God has turned them over to powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie. They hate God's Law and have no idea why. They say yes to abortion, yes to homosexuality, yes to euthanasia, yes to condom distribution, yes to legalizing drugs, and no to anything that has to do with God's truth. The true motto of the Democratic Party: "My rights, my body, my choice - I will be as God." How does Conservatism or Republicanism deal with this kind of outrageous rebellion? It doesn't. Like parents dealing with a rebellious teenager who will turn the home, and everyone in it, upside down until he gets his own way - it seeks to keep the peace. Conservatism is like the nice and reasoned parent who has learned what is necessary to keep peace in the household - don't confront the rebel! Oh, you can tell him he is wrong (in a way that won't hurt his self-esteem) and pray for him so that he won't kill himself or others as he continues on his rebellious way, but don't be judgmental or intolerant of anything he does! Conservatism's modus operandi is "harm-reduction." It attempts to reduce the harm caused by rebellion, but it does not have the will or the power to stop it. Christianity, on the other hand, will deal with this kind of open rebellion by standing squarely upon the Word of God! It loves the rebel enough to confront him with his sin and rebellion against God and point him, through Jesus Christ, right back to the Father. Christianity has a cause for which it is willing to die. Its modus operandi is "salvation." It attempts to introduce the rebel to a Savior who will forgive his sin and make him a new creation. Instead of reducing the harm caused by rebellion, salvation puts an end to rebellion. Instead of ripping other people off, this former rebel will lay his life, his body, and his rights down so that others might live. This battle has been raging through the pages of the Bible and history since Genesis 3:15. There is no political solution or compromise that will ever resolve the differences between the two seeds. They will always be at war. Bipartisanship is a ruse; there is only the Word of God. It is a battle to the death. Conservatives and Republicans don't have a chance. The battle over the nomination of John Ashcroft for Attorney General was just a harbinger of battles to come where Democrats will fight with all of the unity and ferocity of hell. They will never give in. Conservatism, on the other hand, will never fight this battle to the death, for it has never found a cause for which it is willing to die. It is pretend salt! Only Christianity will fight this battle to the death and beyond. It is real salt! It brings real hope! " But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15c
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