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The 30th Memorial of Roe v. Wade On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, we will be mourning 30 years of "legalized" child-killing in America. Over 45 million children slaughtered by a lie called "choice." For many, this will be a great day of rejoicing. It will be one where they will parade "our national sin" arrogantly in Washington, D.C. Planned Parenthood, NOW, NAF, NARAL, ad nauseam, are gearing up for a spectacular 30th anniversary of bloodshed in our nation's capital. They can't wait to frame the argument as a woman's rights issue - totally eclipsing the rights of small children in the womb. We must not let them get away with it! We are asking that all of you plan special events in your own city on the weekend prior to Roe. We are God's voice for the voiceless. We must let our light shine for Him and for His children. Let the media know that you will be out and about as you always are. Please also plan some street activity (11:30AM - 1:00 PM) on Wednesday, Jan 22, 2003 memorializing the 30th year of Roe v. Wade. You could do this in front of city hall, a federal courthouse, an abortion mill, an abortionist home, etc. You be the judge! Whatever you decide to do, do it with all of your heart as unto the Lord. This is a Gospel battle, and the fact that we are still out in the streets fighting the good fight gives evidence to this fact. Though most legislative and judicial remedies to end abortion have fallen far short, the battle for the lives of children in the womb is being won:
(More statistics to be found in the "The Heart of our Nation is Changing" brochure) Yes, the battle for the lives of children is being won because gentle Christians are allowing their theology to move out of the church house and become biography in the streets. They are standing in the gap for those little children who cannot defend themselves. As they do, God shows up and does exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask or imagine. You be the spokesperson for life in your city this January 22nd. God will help you in Jesus' Name. Give 'em heaven!
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