2001 Articles
the Lie of Islam
December 27, 2001
In this day of religious pluralism where all "gods" are to be tolerated,
we Christians are called to draw a line in the sand. We must stand upon
the fact that Jesus Christ alone is God and apart from Him there is no
other. This is the reason we are placing the enclosed brochure in your
hands. If we love our neighbors lost in the lie of Islam, we must love
them enough to tell them the truth. If we love our brothers and sisters
who claim the Name of Christ, we must love them enough to tell them that
Islam and Christianity cannot peacefully coexist. They are at war (Genesis
the Gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ to the Gates of Hell: the Local Mosque!
share the One true God, the LORD Jesus Christ over dinner at local mosque
10, 2001
They are all inspired by the same liar who has come to the earth to rob,
kill, and destroy. All three are the beneficiaries of the marvelous freedoms
and liberty we have in America. All three have violated these freedoms and
perverted liberty - making it license. All three deny God and the truth
of His Word. All three have entered into a pact with death. All three are
often more rigorous in their devotion to false gods than Christians
are devoted to the one true GOD. All three have a desperate need for the
forgiveness found only through the blood of Christ. Salvation is
found in no one else, for there is no other Name under heaven given to men
by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12.
December 27, 2001
The Abortion Industry and Terrorism - Will the Real Terrorist Please
Stand Up? In its never-ending saga of trying to appear the victim,
moving our eyes from the real victims of its murderous appetite, the abortion
industry has used the events of 9-11 to ratchet up its slanderous campaign
against Christianity. Rarely in America has there been an organization
willing to exploit the tragic events of September 11, 2001, for its own
gain. But just look at the pathetic behavior of Planned Parenthood and
the "self-absorbed" abortion industry. This multi-million dollar, murder-for-hire
business, has attempted to liken its plight to that of post 9-11 America
- besieged by terrorists from without and within.
the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up?
This ad was taken out by the "Religious Coalition for Reproductive
Choice" in a number of publications.
these pictures are thumbnails that may be enlarged by
clicking on them.
Abortion Industry and Terrorism - Will the real Terrorist Please
Stand Up?
November 16,2001
Rarely in America have there been organizations willing to exploit
the tragic events of September 11, 2001, for their own gain. Rarely
that is, until one examines the pathetic behavior of Planned Parenthood
and the "self-absorbed" abortion industry.
This is our
ad proclaiming the truth. We have no need to resort to lies like
the poor misguided toadies barking for the abortion industry.
November 16, 2001
Rarely in America have there been organizations willing to exploit
the tragic events of September 11, 2001, for their own gain. Rarely
that is, until one examines the pathetic behavior of Planned Parenthood
and the "self-absorbed" abortion industry.
Appeals Court Victory in Western New York Injunction Case
November 27, 2001
In the spring of 1999 Operation Save America came to Western New York
to raise the unchanging standard of Jesus Christ on the streets of Buffalo
and Rochester. We gathered to declare Jesus Christ as Lord at area abortion
facilities. The positive fruit of that visit is still being harvested.
Two abortion clinics at The Genesee Hospital closed and The Genesee Hospital,
a pro-abortion hospital, went bankrupt and also closed.
Historical and Scriptural Perspective on Tragedy and Heartache in America
By the Rev. Mike Warren
in 2001 two symbols of our nation's might and power have been tragically
destroyed or damaged with great loss of life; The World Trade Center,
the heart of our financial empire and the Pentagon, the nerve center of
our nation's military power. Where have we placed our trust for security
and protection in these days? Has it not been in wealth and materialism
and in our own might to protect ourselves as a nation? Can we not learn
from the ministers of old and now seek the Lord while He may be found?
We have an adversary greater than any terrorist cell or nation and He
is Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let's make peace with Him quickly while there
is still time.
Vitally Important Question for America
does not make mistakes
are 2 significant similarities in the pictures below. Both have
spiritual & national importance. Can you connect the dots?
"Let us look forward to the time when we can take the flag of
our country and nail it below the cross, and there let it wave
as it waved in olden times, and let us gather around it and inscribe
for our motto: 'Liberty and Union, one and inseparable, now and
forever,' and exclaim, 'Christ first, our country next!"
-- Andrew Jackson, 1834, the seventh President of the United States
October 18, 2001
Why did I stumble across an archive newspaper story and photo of this
cross only a week ago to hear about these "many smaller crosses" found
there in the rubble? As Frank Silecchia and others rightly discerned,
this occurred by the providence of a sovereign God, the Lord Jesus Christ
who died on a cross, for no sin of His own but ours. We dare not take
this lightly by saying a "Wow," the day we saw it on the front page of
our newspaper across the nation and then forget its significance today.
New-Found "Religion"
By Dr. James White
new religiosity of America has two basic foundational pillars: there is
one God, unknown, but addressable under any variety of religious epithets,
who has revealed absolutely nothing of objective value regarding His will
regarding worship or human behavior; and second, this God has no wrath;
knows nothing of sin or judgment; and hence, any person who dares to say
that God would punish a person, or a nation, is a glowing heretic to the
new American religiosity."
to graphic photo of reality
October 1, 2002
name is D--- and I live in -------. I'm a junior in high school and made
the foolish mistake of becoming pregnant. My first initial reaction was
panic and I began looking in the Yellow Pages for abortion clinics. My
boyfriend is horribly against abortions but I thought I had no choice.
In the end he was the one who helped me discover your organization.
have asked if God will judge America
September 28, 2002
have asked if God will judge America. They have asked if we have gone
too far to avoid God's terrible and final judgment. Let's face it. We
have mercilessly killed over 45 million little baby boys and girls. We
have thrown God out of school, banished Him from the schoolyard, and ripped
His Ten Commandments from the walls. We have called what is evil good
and what is good evil and we do not even know how to blush. We have shaken
our fist in the face of Almighty God, expecting the offended deity to
bless us in the midst of our dismissing Him. Billy Graham said it well,
"If God does not judge America, He is going to have to apologize to
Sodom and Gomorrah."
Move to a One World Church
September 22
you sick and tired of these ecumenical, diversity laden, multi-national,
multi-denominational, multi-cultural public displays and gatherings for
prayer? All gods tolerated here. If you have a problem with that, then
you are the problem. Have you noticed the amazing absence of the Name
of Jesus? Have you noticed that among many of the great evangelical leaders
of our day, when they had an opportunity to mention His Name, did not?
is the Nation Whose God is the Lord
September 22, 2001
was not a coalition of gods that brought our Pilgrim forefathers to this
continent. It was not a coalition of settlers (Hindus, Muslims, and Christians)
that brought the open Bible to the shores of this great land to establish
a government based on the Law of God, and whose mission was to advance
the Gospel of Christ. It was Jesus Christ Himself who brought the tiny
Mayflower safely to the shores of this land, and it was the blessing of
Jesus Christ Himself that made our nation great (a city set on a hill).
from God through Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson
September 22, 2001
Thursday, September 13, 2001, Pat Robertson on the 700 Club interviewed
Pastor Jerry Falwell concerning the terrorist attacks on America. Pat
pointed out that America had removed God from schools, allowed abortion
on demand, and pumped pornography into the world markets and then commented
that "God Almighty has lifted His hand of protection from us."
by Rusty Thomas
other night I came to our temporary home in Wichita tired to the bone.
I fell into a deep sleep. During the night the strong hand of the Lord
came upon me. I tossed and turned the entire night as Scripture after
Scripture kept coming to my exhausted mind. The Lord impressed upon me
the profound significance of Operation Save America coming back to Wichita
for the Summer of Mercy renewal. He told me in certain terms that this
upcoming week is set for the rise and fall of many in Wichita and America.
Lives, careers, and eternal souls will be weighed in the balance. Depending
on how they respond to His Word and warning will determine God's blessing
and judgment upon the souls of men
An Open Letter to America
14, 2001
America, Today the LORD has visited our land in judgment. An invading
force has pierced the shores of our country to wreck havoc and devastation
upon on us, on our cities and our people. (Jeremiah 26:15)
God Give His Final Warning to America?
By John McTernan
September 16, 2001
totally ignore the uniqueness of man made in God's image and are demanding
federal funding for stem cell research to advance science and medicine.
Science and the federal government are on a collision course with God
over His creation.
Apologetic of our Press Release - 911
By Rusty Lee Thomas
September 14, 2001
It has been a couple of days of returning back from Washington DC, from
the actual scene of the great tragedy that has befallen us to finally
begin to digest the horror that has struck America. Many voices are crying
out, many so-called "Biblical interpretations" are being served up to
try to make sense and assuage the shock that has pierced the heart of
our beloved land. Most unfortunately, still seem incapable of discernment
at a time America desperately needs to hear a clear trumpet sound that
will lead her to repentance and the acknowledgment of the truth.
By Rev. Robert Behn
As smoke rises from the ashes in New York City the nation and the worlds
attention is turned towards the evil that has committed this heinous crime.
A crime of passion that has shed the innocent blood of thousands of victims
both male and female young and old. The question is who is responsible
for the carnage those who did the detestable act or whose sins brought
it about.
Will America And The Church Return To Christ?
By Robert Behn
We as Christians can only feel grief for our nation. A nation that has
turned its back on God and is now paying the price for neglecting
the responsibility that come as Christians. Pastors and priests have failed
in their calling to stand firm in the preaching of Gods Word from
their pulpits. They have neglected to call our nation to repentance for
the sins it has and is committing.
our families for this present crisis
By Doug Phillips
September 11, 2001
Tomorrow, the world will wake up, and it will be looking for answers.
It is our responsibility to offer words of truth. What then should be
the response of the Christian Community? What is our course of action?
What should we say to our children at this grave moment? Please permit
me to humbly offer the following thoughts for your consideration:
protection removed foretold
By Pastor Steve Mashburn
September 11, 2001
through our Bibles together in a year was published over 2 years ago!
Does God make mistakes? Does the Lord change?The passage for today
can be viewed by clicking on the Bible link here on your left, then September
11. Who could know the relevance of the passage (quoted below) to America
this day but He who is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and Omega.
America as a nation has been living as if God did not exist - that is,
as if He does not see our sin. The prophet Isaiah warned the nation of
Israel against living as America is living today. God's response then...
September 11, 2001
The horrific attack on America this morning was no coincidence. Reminiscent
of accounts in the Old Testament when God used prophets to warn nations
of their wicked ways, America has been given its own warning over the
shedding of innocent blood. The most recent national rebuke was this past
weekend when a prophetic word was spoken to the White House and President
George W. Bush on Saturday, September 8, 2001.
over rank hypocrisy
Commentary on sick conduct forwarded
Updated with an additional commentary Sept. 13
"Every time I hear a politician, a news reporter, an Army official, a
member of the President's cabinet utter the words "We should pray to God
for help today." -- it makes my skin crawl."
Quinta Inn helps kill babies
September 9, 2001
the past 6 weeks in Wichita, KS, the proven connection between La Quinta
Inn of Wichita and the infamous Mr. Tiller has been exposed. It takes
a village to kill a child. Patron's of Mr. Tiller's from out of town
receive a 20 percent discount from La Quinta Inn of Wichita to stay there
during the 2-3 day procedure to murder their baby babes. .La Quinta Inn
of Wichita still insists on being part of this village. Despite 2-4 pickets
each week, the manager in Wichita, Ms. Candy Krueger, is unrepentant of
this evil. Instead, Ms. Krueger, and her security guard Lisa do everything
they can to disrupt our conversations with patrons even when patrons initiate
the conversation. La Quinta Inn of Wichita continues to help Mr.
Tiller kill babies. So we are asking Christians across the nation to cease
patronizing La Quinta everywhere and to contact the national corporate
headquarters until this policy is changed.
Heartbeat September 4
4, 2001
Note: This update from the streets of Wichita, KS is from Tuesday,
September 4 on the previous week.
Friday evening, just as Pastor Daniel Thompson was closing the rally in
prayer, policemen came up to him and told him to turn off the mike. A
surprised crowd watched as the sergeant and two officers in black t-shirts
took Daniel asidethey asked him to show his identification. Then,
when the policemen and policewomen finally acknowledged that Pastor Daniel
was not doing anything illegal, they proceeded to threaten members of
the Word of Life worship team with arrest. The teenage girls from the
worship team began crying because they were told that they would be given
a citation. It was obvious that the police were intent on writing citations.
Against Yogendra Shah
1, 2001
Webmaster's Note: Listings of Shah's offences are posted.
Yogendra Shah and the Hope Abortion Clinic are trying move the national
focus from them to Daniel and Angela Michael. The facts are that many
lawsuits have filed against them in recent years! "The wicked in his
pride persecutes the poor, Let them be caught in the plots which they
have devised." These lawsuits are for negligence, and malpractice
among other things. The truth is being revealed to the world about the
degree of "butchery" that has been taking place for over 28 years in the
abortuary in Granite City, and for the past 20 years at the hands of Yogendra
Other Pro-Lifers Are Saying About Bush's Embryonic Stem Cell Research
14, 2001
"The President has embraced the hair-splitting logic of the previous Administration,
in pretending that it is wrong to conduct experiments on someone you have
killed yourself, but right to do so on someone who has been killed by
another. The critical moral question is not who killed the victim, but
rather shall we profit from that killing?"
"President Bush made
the wrong decision morally, scientifically, legally, and politically by
approving federal funds for embryonic stem cell research. President Bush's
announcement contradicts his past statements calling for the rebuilding
of a culture of life. He has embraced the cause of science in a way that
disrespects life in its earliest stages. Embryonic stem cell research
in the name of the 'greatest public good' is wrong."
Decision: Not the Wisdom of Solomon
August 14, 2001
By Flip Benham
Can any God fearing Christian possibly believe that George W. Bush exercised
the wisdom of King Solomon when he made the decision to federally fund
the research on 60 lines of embryonic stem cells? These children were
killed and need to be buried, not cannibalized. Instead of bringing our
nation to repentance over the killing of children (frozen embryos) and
issuing an Executive Order to stop all (private as well as government
funded) embryonic stem cell research, our President chose the politically
expedient track - he really did cut the baby in two.
Long Will You Waver Between Two Opinions, America?
10, 2001
His [the President's] words were right, but his actions betrayed the words
of his mouth. "The federal government," he said, "would fund
research on the 60 stem cell lines already existing but no more."
Hopefully this would pacify both pro-life and pro-death groups. What he
failed to realize is that there is no "common ground" between these two.
One serves God, the author of life; the other serves Baal, the author
of child sacrifice.
2001: Wichita, Kansas
more information on the 2001National Event see
The Squandering
of Our Godly Heritage
15 2001
A Prayer at the Solemn Assembly,
By Pastor Daniel Thompson
We "gathered all together" ...our heritage ...it's foundation...
and it's building... and we left You and your house and took our
Journey. And while we journeyed, we joined ourselves to every harlot
philosophy that came along side us... and we squandered our heritage
on selfish and ''riotous living." And because of this great famine
there is nothing left for our country to eat! Only "husks" for food
that are meant for swine. We have ended up where all prodigals end
up... being nourished on a diet of swine's food. There is nothing
left for our people and the generations to come except the "husks"
that swine eat.
Emancipation Proclamation - A Study in National Repentance
July 3, 2001
For the first time in American history there was now open and public
repentance of the national sin of slavery. It was a sin that plagued
our nation through the years. It was a sin that would not go away
and could not be politically resolved! It could only be repented
Emancipation Proclamation for the Unborn
16, 2001
By virtue of the power and authority vested in us as Pastors and
Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ, we declare that the lives
of all children (born and unborn) are sacred to God and worthy of
our defense. We with one voice decree, the unborn child shall now
and forever more be set free to live in America. They shall be welcomed
in life and protected by law.
the Real Law Breakers Please Stand Up?
11, 2001
Rev. Flip Benham, National Director of Operation Save America, in
response to Mayor Knight's statements declared, "Operation Save
America is not the one bringing trouble into the city of Wichita.
The trouble lies with those who claim to be pro-life with their
mouths yet prove to be pro-death with their actions. Mayor Knight
is the real troubler in Wichita. It is not George Tiller, Planned
Parenthood, NOW, or NARAL that is the primary problem with abortion
in America. It is those of us who claim the name of Christ and call
ourselves pro-life, yet do nothing, that are perpetuating this heinous
atrocity of abortion in our land. Abortion will end in Wichita when
the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind that it will end. By
his statement today, Mayor Knight indicates he is far more willing
to live under the smoke stack of George Tiller's incinerated babies
than he is to lift a finger to save their lives."
Welcoming Committee
11, 2001
Statement by Wichita's Mayor, Bob Knight: "The City of Wichita
will enforce the law. That means protecting the rights of citizens
to exercise their constitutional right of free speech, but it also
means protecting the rights of legal medical clinics to operate...
Anyone who violates the ordinances of the City of Wichita or the
laws of the State of Kansas will be dealt with swiftly and definitively
by Wichita Police. Anyone blocking access to a clinic or illegally
interfering with the operation of a clinic will be arrested and
taken to the Sedgwick County Jail."
Religious Leaders for Choice Speaks Out Against Jesus Christ
26, 2001
The KRLC is the abortion industry's last feeble attempt to divide
and conquer. Jesus despised the shame heaped on Him by "religious
leaders" of His day and we too must do the same. It is precisely
because of the effectiveness of the Gospel of Christ at abortion
mill doors that "religious leaders" have been hired to speak against
the very Gospel they claim to represent. They have betrayed their
Young People Stand Boldly for King Jesus and Unborn Children
23, 2001
The newscast then showed footage of young people worshipping and
praying with tears of compassion on their faces. When the reporter
interviewed 16-year old Crystal Wemmer off-camera if the "danger"
described by MS Wato (that doesn't exist except at the hands of
Mr. Tiller's escorts) concerned her, Crystal Wemmer replied, "Yes
it concerns me but I'm willing to suffer or sacrifice my life for
another person (pointing inside Mr. Tiller's killing center)
that could grow up to be my child's friend, or companion...
to the Saints From Dr. D. James Kennedy
22, 2001
I charge you to understand that the battle is not with any human
organization, but with the principalities and powers of darkness.
It is Satan, whom Jesus called a murderer from the beginning, who
is behind this thrust to kill the innocent. If the Christian Church
can be mobilized into an effective spiritual assault team to fight
the forces which would have us accept these abominations we can
have every confidence that God will grant us a victory!
Abortionist Quits
11, 2001
It was announced today in the Lawrence Journal-World News,
that Dr. Kristen Neuhaus will stop killing children in Wichita,
Kansas. Neuhaus has, for several years, been a circuit-riding abortionist
killing children in both Wichita and Lawrence. The News reported
that Neuhaus made the decision to quit because Christians from around
the nation will gather again in Wichita this summer to proclaim
the Gospel of Christ at the gates of hell (abortion mills).
to Wichita
15-21, 2001
Our desire is not to look back, but to capture this generation for
Jesus Christ. Believers from across the nation will gather together
because little baby boys and girls from around the world are killed
at this mill in Wichita. Our ultimate goal will only be accomplished
when Wichita, Kansas is free from the guilt of shedding innocent
blood. We have allowed the blood of the innocent children to flow
through the streets of this city and be certain that bloodshed follows
bloodshed. How can we have revival until the slaughtering of innocent
children has been confronted and these high places torn down?
Abortions are Down 40% Nationwide, Why are they up 30% in Kansas?
8, 2001
According to an Associated Press report done by Katrina Hull on
March 26, 2001, the 30% increase in the number of abortions in the
state of Kansas is due, in large part, to the number of out of state
folks coming into Kansas to kill their children. "Nearly half
the women who had abortions in Kansas last year were from other
and legislators cited George Tiller's Wichita clinic
as the main reason."
Medical Clinic Opens its Doors to OSA
7, 2001
Bob and Donna Lippoldt, local directors of the "Summer of Mercy
Renewal" July 15-21, have reported that several sidewalk counselors
have brought expectant mothers to Choices Medical Clinic where these
moms have chosen life! Choices Medical Clinic will be preparing
for our arrival this July. Theology will become biography in the
streets of Wichita once again this summer. Hundreds of you, who
were here for the Summer of Mercy in 1991, will witness with
your own eyes the miracles God has wrought right next to the gates
of hell.
Shame of Kansas
26, 2001
Lawmakers were divided on whether Tiller, one of the nation's few
doctors performing late-term abortions, was a source of shame or
pride to the state. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment
reported that of 12,323 induced abortions last year in the state,
6,352 of the women were Kansas residents and 5,971 were from elsewhere.
Of the 639 abortions performed after 22 weeks of pregnancy, 59 were
performed on Kansans, and 580 were on women from other states, KDHE
Meet George Tiller
March 19, 2001
By Troy Newman
Take a good look at the man in the photograph.You are looking at the face of death - Dr. George Tiller, the most infamous late-term abortionist in the world. He calls himself a Christian, but he desperately needs your prayers. |
of Mercy 10th Anniversary Renewal Window Stickers
15-21, 2001
As you see above, the theme for this summer is "Jesus is the Standard."
To promote this upcoming week of renewal while reminding others
of Who Jesus is, we have produced a full color static-cling decal
emblazoned with our theme. The decals depict a cross superimposed
on a red-white-and-blue flag, and boldly proclaim that "Jesus is
the Standard." The bottom line (smaller print) reads, "July 15-21,
2001 - Wichita, KS."
Kansas: Summer of Mercy Renewal
15-21, 2001
Wichita is calling pro-lifers from all across the nation to finish
the work that God began in 1991. Join pro-life leaders like Keith
Tucci, Fr. Frank Pavone, Flip Benham and Rusty Thomas for a week
of prayer and active service to our Lord!
Higher Goal
June 9, 2001
Speech by Rachel McGlade
So many times throughout the years, people would come up to us saying,
"It must be so dangerous to be out there." Yes, we were threatened by
arrest. And yes, it wasn't always easy. But, I'm here to tell you today,
that when the Lord calls you to serve Him, and to go wherever He wants
you to go, that there's no safer place to be - no matter where
it is.
June 9, 2001
Poem by Doug Phillips
Stand strong and rise, O man of God to meet this noble call.
The battle is not new you see, it's been here since the Fall.
Your wife is your helpmeet, my friend, not another man's,
So care for her and keep her far from Mistress Jezebel's plans.
Life Communications Lowers their Rates Again
If for some reason you are not yet a customer of Pro Life Communications,
I ask you to prayerfully consider switching to their services. Regardless
of what rate another company offers, you cannot do better than Pro Life
Communications. They are the only true pro-life phone company and the
only one that donates all of the profits! This should be all you need
to know..
or Christian - Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve!
May 26, 2001
Look at what ground our President has given to the enemy. President
Bush's Chief of Staff recently announced that abortion was not a priority
for this Republican President. I wonder if abortion is a priority
in God's Kingdom? Alan Keyes, a spokesperson for the pre-born, was not
even allowed to speak at the Republican National Convention. Though Mr.
Bush did reinstate the Mexico City Policy, he left four other Clinton
executive orders in place: (1) U.S. groups to use tax dollars to support
abortion; (2) using federal tax dollars for fetal tissue research; (3)
distribution of RU-486; and (4) overseas military hospitals to perform
abortions. A man after God's heart, one who puts principle above politics,
would and should have overturned them all!
Christian Radio Hosts Jump into the Battle
15, 2001
In Granite City, Daniel and Angela Michael of Small Victories are
experiencing some huge victories at their local abortion mill,
"Hope[less] Women's Center." God has raised up the Tim & Al show on
KJSL radio in St. Louis to come alongside and help them raise up an army.
Tim and Al have done more in the past seven months to expose the wickedness
of the abortion industry in St. Louis and Granite City, than has been
done in the past 28 years. On April 18, 2001 they held an "ultrathon"
during their morning show to raise money for Daniel and Angela to buy
a sonogram. This device will show abortion bound mothers what their little
baby girls and boys look like. They needed $5,000 and raised over $25,000.
God is so good!
OSA in Having Memorial Day Services at Abortion Mills - Nationwide
2, 2001
Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have gone before us and fought
valiantly for the liberties we now possess. Our young boys and old men
bravely gave life and limb for their country and for liberty. They did
not fight the battles so that mothers would be free to kill their children.
They fought that the message that made America great and made America
free, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, might be brought into all the earth.
Kopp and HBO's "Soldiers in the Army of God"
April 24, 2001
Shortly after Mr. Kopp's apprehension, HBO aired "Soldiers in
the Army of God" on Sunday, April Fool's day, to 'pile on' gentle
Christians living out their faith at abortion mills. HBO interviewed Paul
Hill, who premeditatedly murdered two people at an abortion mill in Pensacola,
Florida. It allowed him to spew his heresy from jail as to why it is justifiable
to kill abortionists.
Way of the Cross: No Cheap Solutions
April 24, 2001
Might it be that our brothers and sisters, in committing themselves to
"justifiable homicide" and to the razing of death mills, are actually
working in contradiction to God's express purpose? They may feel they
exude more courage and commitment to our pre-born brothers and sisters
than most of us, but is their way God's way?
Robertson Fails Preborn Children and His Lord
April 24, 2001
My heart sank as I read the words of his interview with Blitzer. It sank
even further as I read his clarification. Finally, in an interview with
Paula Zahn on Wednesday night, April 18, to clarify his clarification,
I discerned where our brother was coming from. He has bought - hook,
line, and sinker, the lie of population control. He also has an economic
interest in China and has been a huge supporter of her as Most Favored
Nation (MFN). He has not acted honorably toward God's Word because he
believes there is too much at risk. He has forgotten that he risks far
more by being ashamed of the Word of God. Love calls us to confront our
brother in his sin.
Louis - Arrival of McKenzie Nicole: A Baby Saved From Abortion
1, 2001
On Tuesday night at the rally, different prayer requests were prayed for
at the altar. I went forward to pray with Flip and from that moment on
I knew that she was not going to go through with the abortion. God gave
me a peace and an understanding that he would take care of it all and
He did. McKenzie Nicole was born on April 1, 2001!
A Lie from the Pit of Hell!
March 30, 2001
You've seen the lie of incrementalism in the "all or something"
legislation proposed by many in the pro-life movement to end Roe v.
Wade under the auspices of parental notification, parental consent,
and the partial birth abortion ban. The idea is that we can slowly
but surely win a few here and win a few there and ultimately end legal
abortion. In doing so, however, we've compromised some biblical principles
along the way. We have been led to believe by the political icons of the
pro-life movement that standing on God's Word alone will never make legislative
muster. It won't work. Politics is the art of compromise.
Abortion Mill in Dallas Closes
16, 2001
The mill where Norma McCorvey, aka Jane Roe, met Jesus... The closing
of "A Choice for Women" marks the sixth closing of an abortion mill in
Dallas since 1991. This is commensurate with the large national decline
in the number of abortion mills, abortionists, and abortions. "There
were 12 abortion mills in Dallas in 1988 when we first began this ministry,"
said Rev. Benham, "Today there are only six.
By Flip Benham
We, God's Church, must accept the responsibility for the slaughter of
over 40 million children if we desire God's help. We must cry out for
God to forgive our sin. Then we must stand steadfastly upon His Word and
proclaim liberty to the captives without compromise, without apology,
and without exception. The gates of hell cannot prevail against God's
prevailing church!
Insanity Continues
By Rusty Thomas
March 7, 2001
Compare todays incident at Planned Parenthood where supposedly "sane"
men and women honestly believe that families who worship God at the gates
of hell are terrorists and a danger to society and yet ignore the real
danger as a 15 year old boy who opens fire on his classmates in Sanatee,
CA. In their distorted minds that call evil, good and good, evil, young
Mr. Williams is deemed a victim due to the fact that his skateboard was
taken from him and he was harassed by his classmates.
Save America - Why Kids are Killing Kids in High Schools
5, 2001
At Santana High School in Santee, California, there are two confirmed
dead and thirteen wounded. The shooter is a fellow classmate at Santana
High. Operation Save America Director, Rev. Flip Benham has made the following
vs. Christianity
Rev. Flip Benham
This is what inevitably happens when one attempts to "build bridges" into
the enemy's camp. The purity of the Gospel message becomes muddied. Rather
than allowing God's Word to stand on its own in the condemnation of sin,
we attempt to soften the message to make it more palatable to those it
is supposed to convict. In an effort to be nicer than Jesus, we strip
the Word of God of its convicting power to turn men from sin, and we allow
them to wallow in it, "loving" them all the way to eternal damnation.
We call this love, but God calls it hate!
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