1999 Articles
for the Republican Primaries
Rev. Flip Benham
December 22, 1999
Do we vote for the lesser of two evils? Never! To vote for the lesser
of two evils is to vote for evil still! What do we do? We must trust God
and allow Him to have His way with the sorry state of the Republican Party.
There will never be room for men like Bauer, or Keyes in the this Party
any more than there was room for Jesus at the Inn. We must go outside,
to an insignificant stable and allow Gods Word to be birthed.
2, 1999
John D.Reyes
I watched from my jail cell in horror as I witnessed Mel White and his
savage wolves gather in Lynchburg, Virginia, to promote their sinful
homosexual lifestyle. These lying prophets prophesied a peace that can
never be attained until a righteous holy fear of God is imparted in a
mans heart through repentance and regeneration. Mr. White has come
out from the evangelical community, left the wife and children of his
youth, to embrace homosexuality as Gods way. This counterfeit Gospel
proclaims that homosexuality is not a sin but rather something that God
vs. Christianity, Continued...
November 2, 1999
This is a dialouge that took place between Andrew Street and a college
student subsequent to an emailing of the entire article, Homosexuality vs. Christianity, (mentioned
below) from Andrew Street.
by Kirsten
November 1, 1999
I would never ever be the same, I just wanted to die.
I did go on with my life, but not a day went by for two years that I did
not remember what happened in the clinic that day.
Traumatic Abortion Syndrome - Non Existant?
by Kimberly Henson
October 12, 1999
I know that people say there is no such thing as Post Traumatic Abortion
Syndrome. I would beg to differ with them. I have lived it every day for
11 years and really never even knew it
Legal, but Rare Late Term Abortion?
by Maggie Gallagher
August 31, 1999
"Safe, legal and rare" is the public stance. But I guess when push comes
to shove both the "safe" and the "rare" parts are dispensable.
is Pretend Salt
by Rev. Flip Benham
Updated September 29, 2000
Conservatism looks like salt, talks like salt, acts like salt, seeks the
vote and friendship of salt, yet, when the test of taste comes, it is
revealed for what it really is -- a tasteless enabler of perdition!
Justice Under a Bad Law
by Cal Thomas
June 18, 1999
The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE), passed in 1994 by
a Democratic Congress and signed by a Democratic president, unfairly singles
out a single issue -- abortion -- and makes certain forms of protest against
it a federal crime.
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