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Choices Medical Clinic Opens its Doors to OSA

May 7, 2001

Choices Medical Clinic Opens its Doors to OSA

Choices Medical Clinic is located right next door to George Tiller's abortion mill in Wichita, Kansas. As most of you know, Choices Medical Clinic was birthed as a result of the Gospel of Jesus Christ being brought to the very gates of hell (Tiller's abortion mill) during the Summer of Mercy in 1991. When the property was providentially placed in the hands of the local Wichita Pro-life community, they originally envisioned it to be a sidewalk counseling refuge and crisis pregnancy center.

Today, Choices Medical Clinic has become so much more than that. It has doctors from the local medical community on staff - this is an awesome development! Its Director, Tim Weisner, was the Director of a large hospital in Wichita but gave that up to serve our Lord at Choices Medical Clinic. Not only have they tapped the professional medical community in Wichita to join the fight for life, but they also have the support of several strong evangelical churches in the area.

Marilynn Manweiler is the Administrative Assistant at Choices. She was a faithful sidewalk counselor during and after the Summer of Mercy and has been instrumental in setting up this medical clinic. Choices opened its doors December 7, 1999 and has seen over 900 patients to date. It has a three-dimensional ultrasound unit that helps mothers to see their precious little baby girls and boys in a way that was heretofore impossible.

Bob and Donna Lippoldt, local directors of the "Summer of Mercy Renewal" July 15-21, have reported that several sidewalk counselors have brought expectant mothers to Choices Medical Clinic where these moms have chosen life! Choices Medical Clinic will be preparing for our arrival this July. Theology will become biography in the streets of Wichita once again this summer. Hundreds of you, who were here for the Summer of Mercy in 1991, will witness with your own eyes the miracles God has wrought right next to the gates of hell.

Looking forward to seeing you at the very gates of hell - they cannot prevail!
