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 The HEARTLAND HEARTBEAT ^-v^-v-^v-^v-^v-^v-^---------------

The Weekly e-Newsletter of Operation Save America—Wichita (316) 612-3500

JuLy 28, 2005

Wichita , KS
July 28, 2005
Donna Lippoldt

It is with a grateful heart that I once again have to adjust the number of women saved by abortion for today. After returning from a prayer meeting with other sidewalk counselors tonight, I am pleased to share with you that we get to add 2 others to the 4 saves from Central. Two women changed their minds at Tiller's today. There has been much prayer at Tiller's this week. One man actually pitched a tent and fasted this week in obedience to the Lord's calling. Choices said they had several women change their minds on Monday.

At the Central Mill we were playing an anointed C.D. by a worship leader from Louisanna. Butch Berget. We praise God for his talent, but more importantly his gifting from the Lord. He was a great encouragement to all of us from Wichita. God is moving.

June 18, 2004

Clinic Update

Thoughts on last Wednesday’s rescue, the Church in America and punishment
I’m sure you’ve all seen the news about the rescue that took place last Wednesday, June 16th. I am so proud of the individuals that went onto the property of George Tiller’s Abortuary. They were brave and bold in their faith. It’s obvious that our country is in a downward spiral. We’re following Canada and France in their decline. As you probably already know, recently in Canada the Bible was outlawed as "hate literature" and banned from public reading. It’s coming here, too, folks; it’s right around the corner.
Since 1991, many of the people that responded decided to get involved in politics. They said they’d change the laws. It hasn’t happened yet. And it’s not going to happen until the Church wakes up.
Wednesday, 12 people – 10 men and 2 women – risked arrest to save the lives of innocent children. The Sidewalk Counselors said there were several that drove by and never came back that afternoon. One young woman with her friend and boyfriend in the car came and tried to get into the clinic. As the Sidewalk Counselors pleaded with her to change her mind, it was obvious the boyfriend was pushing her to do it. They drove into the mill and walked up to the door with the Christians calling out to her that they would pay for her adoption or all her pregnancy needs. They urged her to reconsider.
After the first van load of believers were taken away and the second was loading, the young woman – without her boyfriend – came out and hurried to the arms of the Sidewalk Counselors. She said, "You sure don’t make it easy for someone to get an abortion." We all smiled at her and ministered to her about the love of Jesus and just why we were there. Then her friend told us her story. She said that in 2003 when Tiller was giving "free" abortions, she came and a Sidewalk Counselor talked to her and she chose life. Her child is now 10 months old. She said, "I’m pro-life." Praise the Lord!
God’s Word talks over and over again about standing for the higher law. What would we have done if Mary & Joseph hadn’t fled, in defiance of the law, with Jesus to Egypt? What were the Christians doing when Nebuchadnezzar took prayer out of the school? Daniel didn’t cower; he said, “I’ll obey God.” What were we doing when they took prayer out of school? We were hiding behind Romans 13. There are examples all through the Old and the New Testaments. The authorities told Paul not to preach in His name at all. The problem with us today is that we don’t want to pay the price. We don’t want the punishment. God never said there wouldn’t be punishment for standing for His Truth. Some things to ponder...

- Donna Lippoldt

May 25, 2004

Upcoming Events

Flip Benham and Rusty Thomas are in Wichita this weekend on their “Walk Across America.” Some of the events to attend are:

Friday, May 28th
.         12 Noon at City Hall in downtown Wichita
.         7 p.m. - Rally at Spirit One Christian Center (1515 E. Harry, Wichita)

Saturday, May 29th
·          9 a.m. - Tiller's Mill - Memorial Service for the Fallen Soldiers & Aborted Children, including:
o         Honor Guard
o         Bag Pipes
o         Trumpet playing taps
o         Message from Pastor Flip Benham

Sunday, May 30th
·          Flip Benham will be speaking at Spirit One Christian Center (1515 E. Harry, Wichita).
·          Rusty Thomas will be speaking at New Canaan Church (in El Dorado).

Come out to encourage these men as they walk across America!

You can find more information about the Walk Across America at the OSA - National Site.

Clinic Update

Today we had an experience that hurt our hearts. While it's evident Christians in the church do choose abortion, today, for the first time, we actually saw a church van in the parking lot of Tiller’s mill. Painted on the side of the van were these words: " College Hill United Methodist Church."
Think about it. In Wichita, Kansas – our home state – with the most famous abortionist in the nation, the most liberal abortion laws, and the longest-running "legal" abortion of any state in the nation, we're now seeing a church van in the parking lot. How that must hurt our Lord.
George Gardner, Tiller's Chaplain, is out because of a battle with cancer. However, his replacement it seen regularly "counseling" the women on the spiritual implications of having an abortion. They believe that it's o.k…
Ten women are seeking abortion today. All appear to be late terms. Please pray for this time. Oppression seems to be intensified. While we're coming up on Memorial Weekend, we want to remember the babies and our fallen soldiers. Please review the announcement (above) of the weekend of activities with Flip and Rusty. This is the weekend. Please pray for them.

May 10, 2004

Upcoming Events
Click image for a larger view


This Tuesday, May 11 th – 3:30 pm

This Tuesday we will again draw attention to Planned Parenthood and their (barely) hidden agenda. Come join us for a couple of hours if you are able. Their facility is located at 2226 E. Central in Wichita . There were about 60 people in attendance at last week's event.

Jesus Loves the Little Children Day – THIS WEDNESDAY, May 12th

This is the week that the children speak for themselves at the clinic! Join us again Wednesday at Noon.

God is Going Back to School – Spring, 2004

This Thursday is the last day in our schedule this Spring.
Join us at Northwest High School , 1220 N. Tyler . Classes dismiss at 3:10pm.
For more information call: Joplin Emberson @ (316) 619-8991 or e-mail: jaeministries@skte.net

Clinic Update

The week before last, there were 4 saves and 8 turn-arounds at Tiller's mill! In addition, last Tuesday there was 1 turn-around, and last Wednesday there were 2 saves.
Some weeks it is harder than others to keep going out to the mill. Each of these little ones that is saved makes all of the effort worthwhile. Please come save a life – and be blessed!


Your support is vital!
We appreciate the prayers and financial support so many of you provide. Please continue to consider this ministry as you decide where to sow your precious time, talents and treasures.

Flip and Rusty are coming to Wichita !

Click image for a larger view

They are currently on their Walk Across America, and their stop in Wichita is coming up soon. Watch for more details...

Contact Information

Website: http://www.osawichita.org  

THE HEARTLAND HEARTBEAT is a weekly email update of Heartbeat Ministries (a non-profit organization serving women in crisis) of Wichita , KS , and Operation Save America - Wichita .
Please forward this update to anyone who may be interested.

If you have any questions or comments, email us at heartbeatministries@hotmail.com . If you wish to be removed from this list, just send a blank e-mail to hlhb-request@osawichita.org with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

May God bless you for all your hard work and remember – Jesus is the Standard

April 2, 2004

Clinic Update

On Tuesday, March 16th, there was one turn around.

On Wednesday, March 17th, there was a save at 2:15 pm . A couple came out of Tiller’s and wanted to talk with a sidewalk counselor. They took some information. When the counselor asked them why they changed their minds, the lady said, "Abortion is murder, isn’t it?"

On Thursday, March 18th, there was another glorious save, and the woman accepted a baby blanket from the sidewalk counselors. The counselor also was able to persuade them to visit Choices Medical Clinic afterwards.

On Friday March 19 th, there were no saves, but the number of abortions seemed to but much less than usual for a Friday before a Saturday closing of the mill. (The mill was closed on Saturday, March 20th.)

Upcoming Events

Jesus Loves the Little Children Day

Wednesday, April 14 th, 12:00 Noon to 1:30pm

Once again we will have our Jesus Loves the Little Children Day at the mill Wednesday, April 14th. This monthly event has proven very successful in reaching the mothers as they go into Tiller’s, so you won’t want to miss this opportunity to make a difference!


Spring is here and it's time for the Christians to hit the streets. It seems the Lord is saying the same thing to many of His saints across America . In World Magazine we see the Jews for Jesus going to take the Gospel to the streets. They share Jesus with many, and the Lord's salvation comes alive.

In the streets of Wichita , God is Going Back to School started last week with Maize High School . Over 750 pieces of literature were handed out and many good conversations took place. Joplin Emberson is heading this up for OSA, and she is doing a wonderful job. Thanks, Joplin , and all those who volunteer just about 45 minutes to this meaningful outreach.

The Sidewalk Counselors continue to plead with those entering the abortion mills here in Wichita . Pastor Mark and Donna shared with a local intercessory group about how to witness to those on the streets. This group is bravely going to go in front of houses.

In Matthew 10 we read that Jesus promises to provide, protect and empower if we will just go to the streets. Let's go and see HIM WORK. The other side of that is that if we don't go, our faith is flat, there's no provision, protection or power.

Do you feel like your faith is flat? Come and See what Jesus spoke to HIS Disciples. It's a glorious experience to be where God is working. Many are coming back to join us in the streets, and it's always confirmation when you see HIM doing the same thing in other places.

People are witnessing and having great conversations at movie theaters where "The Passion of the Christ" is playing. The Lord is using the movie - and one man's obedience - to save others.

Let's risk and come out again to the abortion mills. Find out where God is working and join HIM there. Call us and let us know where you want to be plugged in.

Lord Bless,



  2004 Reports
  2003 Reports

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